He Recently Spent $6.5k On A Young Registered Black Angus Bull

Among many other benefits, laughing lowers stress, improves mood, boosts immunity, and even increases pain tolerance.

Regretfully, when life’s challenges and obligations increase, it becomes harder to find reasons to laugh.

Here’s a joke that will make you laugh till your stomach hurts, just for the purpose of a good daily laugh!

So let’s get started:

I recently bought a juvenile Black Angus bull that is registered for $6,500.

When I let him out with the herd, he would just eat grass and not even glance at a cow. That bull was beginning to appear like it cost me more than I had.

Anyway, I requested that the veterinarian examine him. The bull may be a little young, but he was in fantastic health, he said, and he gave me some medications to give him once a day.

The bull started looking after all of my cows in two days! He even succeeded in climbing over the fence to mate with all of my neighbor’s cows! He resembles a machine!

The tablets the veterinarian gave him tasted somewhat like peppermint, though I’m not sure what was in them!

My Demanding Neighbor Complained to the HOA About My Halloween Decorations – The Following Day, She Was Pleading for Assistance on My Doorstep

My neighbor, Irene, reported me to the HOA over my Halloween decorations—plastic skeletons and cobwebs. Less than a day later, she was at my door begging for help. Why the change of heart? You’ll see!

I’m Wendy, a retired schoolteacher and grandma, and apparently, public enemy number one in our neighborhood.

“Wendy! What are you doing?” Irene yelled, hands on hips, when she spotted me decorating.

“It’s Halloween, Irene! Same as I’ve done for 30 years.”

“But it’s so… GARISH!” she exclaimed.

I chuckled. “It’s supposed to be a little garish.”

A week later, I received an HOA letter about my decorations. Guess who complained? I called the HOA, and they said I had to remove my decor in 48 hours or face a fine. Not happening!

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