Anne Hegerty, 66, from The Chase, shared her worries about dating. She talked about how her longest relationship only lasted four months and that she has never had children.

Anne Hegerty, known from The Chase, shared that her biggest fear about dating is having a man invade her personal space.

The quizzer, who was diagnosed with autism at 45, opened up about her challenges, mentioning a time when she unplugged her phone to stop a boyfriend from contacting her.

At The Paul Strank Roofing Charity Gala in Kensington, London, she honestly said that she thinks she would make a terrible partner.

Anne, 66, said, “I really struggle with being close to others and having anyone else in the house.

“I think a lot of autistic people don’t get married or settle down.”

The Chase star Anne Hegerty has revealed her biggest fear about dating is having a man encroach on her personal space (pictured in June)

Anne explained, “I don’t even have pets because of this, and my ability to live with other people is getting smaller. I need a lot of alone time.

“I always feel like I need more space than anyone can give me. If I wanted a relationship, I could find one, but honestly, I don’t.”

She also mentioned that her longest relationship only lasted four months. Reflecting on that time, she said, “It only worked for those few months because I was in Manchester. I kind of set it up so it wouldn’t last.”

In the end, she wrote to him to end things. “I remember crying with relief and then crying with guilt,” she shared.

Anne felt overwhelmed during that relationship. “Sometimes, I unplugged the phone because he tried to call me every day. I just wanted it to be over.

“I’d sit there waiting for the phone to ring, thinking, ‘Don’t phone, don’t phone, don’t phone!’ Other times, to get over the waiting, I’d call him, but that made him think I wanted to talk. I really just wanted to end it. I didn’t want to talk to him or anyone!”

Anne joked that she hasn’t lacked offers from admirers who seem to like her “Mrs. Trunchbull” Governess outfit.

She said, “I’m sure some people are attracted to the whole look of The Governess. I think there are some who might be interested if they let me.”

Anne said, “I do meet attractive men, but I know it won’t work out. I feel like it’s not fair to them because I won’t treat them well.”

She added, “I always want more space than they can give me. If I wanted a relationship, I could find someone, but I don’t.”

She thinks it’s better not to date at all and enjoys having men as friends more than women. She recalled a quiz she attended in June, where a woman pointed out they were the only two women in the room, but Anne hadn’t even noticed because she was talking to her male friends.

Anne also shared that this is part of why she never had children, even though she is great with kids. “I did want children, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it very well.”

About 20 years ago, two kids from her neighborhood used to come over. “We limited their visits to just one hour a day, but they always wanted to stay longer. They were wonderful kids, and we’re now friends on Facebook, but I couldn’t handle that for more than an hour.”

Speaking at The Paul Strank Roofing Charity Gala at The Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington, London (pictured at the event this month) she insisted she’d make a terrible partner

Anne takes her role as godmother to Mark “Beast” Labbett’s eight-year-old son, Lawrence, very seriously.

She said, “Lawrence’s birthday is at the end of November, so I usually send a birthday and Christmas present at the same time—but they are not the same gift. My parents had winter birthdays, and I knew they hated getting just one present for two celebrations.”

Anne joked that one of the gifts she gave Lawrence was a bit inappropriate—a toy crossbow. “So, weaponry,” she laughed. “But lately, I’ve been giving him Minecraft vouchers since he really loves that.”

She also mentioned that she has spent Christmas alone for the past 40 years. That’s why she’s especially happy to be playing the Fairy Godmother in this year’s panto, Cinderella, in Scarborough.

Anne, who was on I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here in 2018, said, “Now that I’m in panto, I can say, ‘Sorry, I’m in Scarborough!’ and that’s my only day off.”

She sees it as a great day off. Even though many people invite her to spend Christmas with them, she prefers not to. “I don’t do Christmas dinner or a tree. When I was a kid, I just remember all the pine needles everywhere!”

Earlier this year, Anne took on another acting role, making a cameo as a neighbor in a film called Exorcising Barry, which is about a man obsessed with a demon.

(L-R) Shaun Wallace, Darragh Ennis, Anne Hegerty, Paul Sinha, Jenny Ryan and Mark Labbett on Beat The Chasers in 2021

Anne said that any chance of going to Hollywood is out of the question.

She explained, “America wouldn’t want me because I’m fat. I have a friend who went there for work, and even though she looks amazing, they told her she needed to lose weight. I’m fine with how I am, but they don’t like fat British actresses.”

Despite this, she has had great success in Britain. Talking about The Chase’s recent National Television Award win, she said, “I’m so happy. Bradley Walsh is amazing. It’s been 14 years, and I love it.”

She added, “Other kids used to sing in front of the mirror with a hairbrush. When I was younger, I practiced being interviewed for when I became famous. I don’t know why, but it’s always been my dream.”

The Former Homeowner’s Cryptic Caution About Our Neighbors Became Apparent After a Shocking Discovery

Upon settling into our new residence, we were initially charmed by our neighbors, the Johnsons. However, our perception dramatically shifted when we returned from a holiday to discover our home vandalized, which led us to unearth a concealed warning from the previous homeowner that drastically altered our understanding of trust.

We had moved into our delightful new home a year earlier, enjoying the peaceful neighborhood and the charming house, thrilled to begin this new chapter. The Johnsons, our next-door neighbors, greeted us warmly with an apple pie and friendly introductions.

“Welcome to the neighborhood!” Jane exclaimed, presenting the pie with a cheerful smile, while her husband Tom stood by her side, waving.

“Thank you so much,” I responded, accepting the pie. “I’m Emma, and this is my husband, Mike.”

Mike stepped forward, shaking their hands. “Pleasant to meet you both. We’re eager to start our life here.”

Our conversation flowed easily, and they seemed genuinely kind. Their home needed some upkeep, but that was of little concern to us. In the months following, our relationship grew through shared barbecues and pool gatherings, seemingly cementing a budding friendship.

However, a turn of events began three months later when I stumbled upon a note from the house’s previous owner hidden inside a kitchen drawer. It read: “Caution: Steer clear of the Johnsons. They’ll turn your life upside down. Keep your distance.”

I shared the mysterious warning with Mike that evening. “What do you make of this?” I asked, showing him the note.

He read it and looked up with a skeptical expression. “Isn’t this a bit over the top? They’ve been nothing but friendly.”

I agreed, albeit reluctantly, feeling an unsettling tug of intuition. “You’re probably right. Maybe there was a personal issue between them.”

“Perhaps the previous owner had some petty disagreements,” Mike reasoned.

We decided to dismiss the note, choosing instead to focus on the positive interactions we had enjoyed with Jane and Tom. We continued inviting them over, exchanging gardening tips and book recommendations, and we even allowed them open access to our garden and pool while we were away on our annual vacation.

Fast forward to our return last week, when we came home to a scene of chaos. Our beautiful garden was trampled, the pool was filled with debris, and trash littered our driveway. We were horrified.

“What on earth happened here?” Mike burst out, visibly enraged.

Determined to get to the bottom of this, we headed straight to the Johnsons’. Jane answered the door with an overly bright smile.

“Hello, neighbors! How was your trip?” she greeted us.

“What has happened to our property?” Mike cut to the chase, his patience worn thin.

Tom appeared, feigning innocence. “That wasn’t us. You have no proof,” he retorted sharply.

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