Millionaire Finds Out His Daughter and Four Grandchildren Have Been Living in a Car for Years

A woman who was kicked out by her rich father at sixteen for taking up with a poor man ends up living on the streets with her four children after her husband died.

Steve Walton was far from thrilled when his butler told him that Pastor Morris was waiting to see him. He was tired after a long flight from Singapore and in no mood for the man’s lectures or pleas for support for the community.

He had the pastor shown in and waved an impatient hand at his greeting. “Get on with it, man!” he snapped. “What is it that you want this time?”

“Mr. Walton, I saw Susan,” the pastor said quietly, and Steve’s heart nearly stopped. His only daughter had left his house nearly fifteen years before, never to be seen again…

“Susan?” Steve cried anxiously. “Where? When? How is she?”

“I was in Los Angeles, helping out a friend who has a mission among the homeless and that’s where I saw her,” the pastor said.

“She was a volunteer? Did you tell her I’ve been looking for her?” asked Steve.

“No,” Pastor Morris said gently. “She wasn’t a volunteer, Mr. Walton. She’s homeless. She and her children are living in a car.”

Steve found himself so dizzy he had to sit down. “Homeless? My Susan? Children?” he gasped.

“I’m afraid so,” the pastor said. “And she wouldn’t even listen to me when I told her to come home.”

“But why?” asked Steve angrily. “She’s not with that loser anymore, is she?”

“Her husband passed away three years ago, Mr. Walton,” the pastor explained. “And she told me she wouldn’t bring her children into a house where their father is despised.”

Steve Walton felt that old familiar wave of rage sweep through him. Fifteen years later, Susan was still defying him! He remembered the scene in his study, and Susan’s steady eyes looking into his as he ranted.

“Pregnant at sixteen, and by the GARDNER!” he’d screamed. “Well, we are going to have THAT taken care of, and HE’S fired! You will never see that man again!”

“THAT is my baby, daddy,” Susan had said in a tremulous voice. “And HE is the man I love. I’m going to marry him.”

“You marry that man and you’re on your own, Susan, do you hear?” Steve shouted furiously. “No more money, nothing! You marry him and you get out of my house!”

Susan had looked at him with tears in her eyes. “I love you, daddy,” she’d said. Then she turned around and walked away. Even though Steve had set detectives to find her, no one had been able to trace her.

“How many children?” he asked Pastor Morris.

“Four,” the pastor said. “Three girls and a boy. Beautiful children.”

Steve picked up his phone and spat out orders for his plane to be readied. “Pastor, would you come with me to Los Angeles, take me to my little girl?” he asked quietly.

The pastor nodded, and within two hours, the two men were on board Steve’s private jet winging their way south. There was a limo waiting for them, and the pastor directed them to a parking lot outside a large mall.

At the furthest end of the lot, a pickup truck was parked, with a tent set up at the back. Pastor Morris had told Steve that when Susan’s husband died in a work accident, the insurance company had refused to pay out and the bank foreclosed on the mortgage.

Susan had piled the children and their few belongings into the old pickup. She worked at the mall as a cleaner. She and the children used the mall’s facilities and bought whatever was leftover at the restaurants at the end of the night.

Still, she had managed to keep the four children fed, clean, and in school. As the two men approached the truck, they heard cheerful voices and laughter. Then two children tumbled out of the back.

The biggest girl, about fourteen, was laughing as she tickled a boy of about seven. The children stopped and gaped at Steve and Pastor Morris. “Mom!” the girl yelled. “That old preacher friend of yours is here!”

A well-remembered voice asked from inside the tent, “Preacher Morris?” Then Susan climbed out and Steve could see the shock in her face when she saw him standing next to the pastor.

“Daddy?” she asked, and her eyes filled with tears.

Steve was shocked. His daughter was barely thirty-one, but she looked much older. Her face was worn and lined with worry and suffering, her hands coarsened by hard work.

“Susan,” Steve cried. “Look at you! Look at what HE did to my princess! I wanted so much for you! And you married that loser! What could he give you? Poverty?”

Susan shook her head and said, “He loved me, daddy, and he gave me 4 beautiful children. He died, and I had nowhere to go, but I’ve done what I can for my children. I will always love the father of my children, daddy, just like I’ve always loved you.”

Steve found that he had tears running down his face. “Forgive me, Susan,” he sobbed. “Please forgive me. Come home, I want you all to come home with me. Let me help you take care of the children!”

Steve found himself holding his weeping daughter and knew that everything was going to be alright. Susan introduced him to his three granddaughters, then she placed her hand on the boy’s shoulder. “And this,” she smiled, “is little Stevie!”

“You named him after me?” Steve asked, astounded. “After what I did?”

“I love you, daddy,” she said softly. “Don’t you know that?”

That afternoon, they all flew home to Texas. It was the beginning of a better life for all of them.

What can we learn from this story?

Love and accept your children unconditionally. Steve was furious with Susan for loving a poor man and made the biggest mistake of his life by losing his daughter.
Don’t judge people for their wealth or influence. Steve hated his son-in-law because he was poor, but he was a loving husband to Susan and a dedicated dad.

Share this story with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

Bride Killed And Husband Hospitalized Just Minutes After Leaving Their Wedding Reception

Shortly after leaving their wedding reception, a bride tragically died and her husband was admitted to the hospital.
It was the day that Samantha Miller and Aric Hutchinson were meant to be enjoying, their best day ever.

Following their official marriage, the newlyweds celebrated with friends and family at the wedding reception.
Tragic events occurred, nevertheless, when they departed in a golf cart with a “Just Married” sign on it.
There has been an overwhelming amount of global support for the announcement.
A commenter says, “This story hurts my heart.” I’m sending love and strength to each and every one of you during this terrible time.

“Aric, our hearts are broken for you,” writes another.
A third says, “It’s unbelievable that you’re no longer with us, Sam.”

Reports state that 25-year-old Jamie Komoroski, an alleged drunk driver, rear-ended Miller and Hutchinson.
In a 25 mph zone, Komoroski was allegedly driving at 65 mph while intoxicated while using a rental Toyota Camry.
The collision happened on Folly Beach, USA, in South Carolina.
After being flung more than a hundred yards, the couple tumbled multiple times before coming to a rest.

Miller’s severe force injuries from the collision caused his instantaneous death.

After the accident, Hutchinson required two reconstructive operations and was in a severe state due to several fractured bones and brain damage.

Ben Garrett, his brother-in-law, and Brogan, his nephew, were also hurt in the wagon that Komoroski struck.
Komoroski was charged with three counts of felony DUI resulting in grave bodily damage or death and reckless vehicular murder while driving alone.
Over $743,000 has been received via a GoFundMe campaign set up by Hutchinson’s mother Annette to pay for Hutchinson’s medical bills and Miller’s funeral expenses.
Hutchinson’s mother posts an emotional message, saying, “Aric has lost the love of his life. I was handed Aric’s wedding ring in a plastic bag at the hospital, five hours after Sam placed it on his finger and they read each other their vows.”

Since the tragedy, a lot of people have shared the couple’s last photos on social media, which feature them laughing and performing a sparkler tunnel as they leave their wedding ceremony.
Since then, Hutchinson has made her voice known in a recent Good Morning America interview.
He talked candidly about that awful day, his journey to rehabilitation, and dealing with such a profound loss.
He added, “I’m still trying to wrap my head around it,” in reflection on the event. It’s difficult to attempt and understand that night’s transition from an all-time high to an all-time low.”
He spoke warmly of his late wife, saying, “She was so happy.” As most people are aware, organizing a wedding can be incredibly stressful. And that evening, she simply seemed strangely at ease.
Samantha said, “I do remember the last thing I remember her saying was she wanted the night to never end,” as Aric recalled her final words.

It has been revealed by the Associated Press that Hutchinson would get a partial settlement of around $1 million for the crash.
The Post and Courier reports that Hutchinson will get about $863,300 from a number of sources, including Progressive vehicle insurance, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, and the Folly Beach businesses The Drop-In Bar & Deli, The Crab Shack, and Snapper Jacks.
The driver was allegedly provided alcohol by these establishments, and Enterprise hired her the car.
The entire settlement sum is $1.3 million; but, after attorney and legal fees, Hutchinson’s share will be less.
Currently free on bond, Komoroski is accused with several felonies, including two counts of driving while intoxicated and causing serious bodily injury, reckless homicide, and driving under the influence resulting in death.
The court system is still working on her case.
Now that his mother-in-law is contesting the legality of their marriage, the bereaved groom is engaged in a legal struggle with her over her estate.

At first, Lisa Miller, Samantha’s mother, showed her admiration for Hutchinson, referring to him as her son.
She is now attempting to have him removed from his position as Samantha’s executor, claiming that there may have been “potential fraud” and raising the possibility that the marriage was void.
A potentially large court payout from the wrongful death claim is at the heart of the conflict.
A move to intervene in the case was filed by Lisa Miller, who then withdrew it and filed it again.
She feels Hutchinson is marginalizing her in the settlement process, which she feels goes against her daughter’s interests, she told The Post and Courier.
Given that we are the two most important persons in Sam’s life, “Aric and I agreed several times that Sam would want us to do everything together,” the woman said.
“I never intended to question the marriage’s legality. I never wanted to bring Sam down. However, I believe that by defyney grab,” according to Miller’s lawyer Jerry Meehan, who also claims that Lisa Miller’s main goal is to safeguard Samantha’s fortune and make sure that all legitimate heirs are taken into account.
Due to the fact that Hutchinson’s aunt and uncle signed the marriage license, which was recorded on May 1, three days after the wedding, questions have been raised about the validity of the union.
In addition, there were purported inconsistencies in the license; for example, Miller was only 34 years old, while the aunt and uncle claimed to have known one other for 36 years.

Aric Hutchinson, who said he had given his mother-in-law half of the settlement, expressed regret about the dispute.
His attorneys have deemed Lisa Miller’s move to intervene “morally dubious” and “legally baseless,” and they have rejected the doubts regarding the marriage certificate as unimportant.”
“Aric has been more than generous with Lisa Miller—offering her half of the money—and she has repaid him by threatening to bring a frivolous challenge to the validity of his marriage to Sam,” stated Patrick Wooten, Hutchinson’s attorney. It would seem that Ms. Miller would be too proud of her own daughter to act in that way.
Lisa Miller has been promised by Hutchinson half of the settlement from the wrongful death lawsuit in exchange for her quitting her legal defense of their marriage.
“Lisa Miller does not have a legitimate legal claim, which is why Aric made this settlement offer. He is a generous person who would naturally like to avoid costly, public litigation over the validity of his marriage to Sam,” Wooten stated.

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