My wife had been marking tally counts on her hands — when I discovered what she was tracking, I turned pale

When I noticed my wife drawing strange tally marks on her hand, I shrugged it off as a quirky habit. But as those marks multiplied and her answers remained cryptic, I realized something much darker was lurking beneath the surface of our seemingly happy marriage.

“Married life is great, right?” I would say to my friends when they asked. And for the most part, it was. We’d only been married for a few months, and I was still getting used to being a husband. My wife, Sarah, was always so organized, so thoughtful. She had a way of making everything seem effortless.

But then, something changed. I started noticing a strange habit of hers. One day, she pulled a pen out of her purse and made a small tally mark on the back of her hand. I didn’t think much of it at first.

“Did you just mark your hand?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She smiled and shrugged. “Just a reminder.”

“A reminder for what?” I laughed, thinking it was a joke. But she didn’t answer. She just changed the subject.

Over the next few weeks, she did it more and more. Some days, there’d be only one or two marks. Other days, five or more. Then there’d be days with nothing at all. It seemed random, but it bothered me. What was she keeping track of?

The more I noticed, the more I started to worry. It was like she was keeping a secret from me, and that secret was slowly eating away at our happiness.

One night, I couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“Sarah, what’s with the tally marks?” I asked as we were getting ready for bed. “You do it all the time now.”

She glanced at the marks on her hand, then looked at me with that same mysterious smile. “It helps me remember things, that’s all.”

“Remember what?” I pressed.

“It’s just… things,” she said, brushing me off like it was nothing. “Don’t worry about it.”

But I did worry. A lot. I started paying closer attention. She’d mark her hand after dinner. After we argued. After we watched a movie. There was no pattern I could see.

One evening, I counted the marks on her hand: seven. That night, I watched as she transferred them into a small notebook by her bedside table. She didn’t know I was watching.

I decided to check her notebook the next morning. I waited until she was in the shower, then flipped through the pages. Each page had rows and rows of tally marks. I counted them—68 in total.

I sat on the bed, staring at the notebook in my hands. What did this number mean? What was she counting?

I tried asking her again a few days later.

“Sarah, please tell me what those marks are for. It’s driving me crazy.”

She sighed, clearly annoyed. “I told you. It’s just something I do. It helps me remember.”

“That doesn’t make any sense!” I snapped. “What are you remembering? Are you keeping track of something? Someone?”

“Just drop it, okay?” she said, her voice sharp. She looked at me, her eyes pleading. “Please, just let it go.”

But I couldn’t let it go. The marks started to feel like a wall between us. Every time I saw her make a new one, it was like she was putting up another brick, shutting me out.

I became obsessed with the number 68. What was so important about it? I noticed I was being more careful around her, almost like I was afraid to give her a reason to add another mark. But then the marks would still appear, no matter what I did.

One night, after another tense conversation, I watched her add four new marks to her hand. I needed to know what was happening. I needed to figure this out before it drove me mad. But I had no idea how to get the truth out of her. And that scared me more than anything.

I couldn’t shake the feeling that our entire marriage was on the line, and I was helpless to stop whatever was happening between us. I left for several days to see if it changed anything. Well, the tally count has increased to 78 by the time I returned.

The obsession with Sarah’s tally marks was eating me alive. I needed a break from it, but everywhere I looked, I saw her hand with those little black lines, like they were taunting me. So, when Sarah suggested we visit her mother, I thought it would be a good distraction.

Her mother, Diane, and her fifth husband, Jake, lived in a cozy house in the suburbs. It was a typical Saturday afternoon visit: tea, cookies, and small talk. Sarah and her mom were in the kitchen, chatting and laughing. I excused myself to use the bathroom.

As I passed by the guest bedroom, something caught my eye. There, on the nightstand, was a notebook. It looked just like the one Sarah kept by her bed. I hesitated, but curiosity got the better of me. I stepped inside, glancing over my shoulder to make sure no one was watching.

I opened the notebook, my hands trembling. Inside, there were pages filled with tally marks, just like Sarah’s. But there was more. Next to the marks were labels: “interrupting,” “raising voice,” “forgetting to call.” Each tally had a label, like it was keeping track of mistakes.

“What the hell is this?” I muttered under my breath.

I felt a chill run down my spine. Was this some kind of family tradition? Was Sarah’s mom counting her own mistakes? Were they both holding themselves to these impossible standards?

I closed the notebook and returned to the living room, trying to act normal, but my mind was spinning. Sarah noticed my unease.

“You okay?” she asked, concern in her eyes.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I lied. “Just thinking about work.”

We stayed for another hour, but I was barely present. My thoughts kept drifting back to that.

On the drive home, I couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“Sarah, I need to ask you something,” I said, gripping the steering wheel.

She looked at me, puzzled. “What’s up?”

“I saw your mom’s notebook today. It looked a lot like yours. Is this something you both do? Are you counting your mistakes? You don’t have to be perfect, you know. You don’t need to keep track of every little thing.”

There was a moment of silence, then she let out a bitter laugh.

“You think I’m counting my mistakes?”

“Well, yeah,” I said, relieved she was finally opening up. “You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. It’s okay to mess up sometimes.”

She shook her head, staring out the window. “I’m not counting my mistakes, Jack. I’m counting yours.”

The words hit me like a punch in the gut. “What?”

“Every time you break one of your vows, I make a mark,” she said quietly. “When you interrupt me, when you don’t listen, when you say you’ll do something and don’t. I’ve been keeping track since our wedding.”

On our wedding day, I promised Sarah the world in my vows. I vowed never to lie, to always listen without interrupting, and to be there every time she needed me, no matter what. It was a long list of grand, heartfelt promises that sounded perfect in the moment, but looking back, they were almost impossible to keep.

I felt the blood drain from my face. “You’re counting my mistakes? Why?”

“Because I want to know when I’ve had enough,” she said, her voice breaking. “When you reach 1,000 marks, I’m leaving.”

I pulled the car over, my heart pounding. “You’re going to leave me? For breaking some stupid promises?”

“They’re not stupid promises,” she snapped. “They’re our wedding vows, Jack. You made them to me, and you’ve broken every single one.”

I stared at her, stunned. How had we gotten here? How had I missed this? I’d thought she was being hard on herself, but I was the one who’d been careless, dismissive. I wanted to be angry, but I couldn’t. I was too shocked, too hurt.

When we got home, I couldn’t sleep. I called Diane, desperate for answers.

“Sarah told me what she’s doing,” I said. “Why didn’t you stop her?”

Diane sighed. “I did the same thing with my past husbands. I thought it would help, but it just drove us apart. It ruined my marriages.”

“Then why let her—”

“I tried to tell her,” she interrupted gently. “But she needs to see it for herself. I count good days now, Jack. Good things my husband does. It changed everything.”

I hung up, feeling more lost than ever. I could only hope that my mother-in-law’s words fell on fertile ground.

That evening, Sarah came home with tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around me. “I didn’t realize how much this was hurting us.”

I held her close, feeling a mix of relief and hope. “Let’s forget the tally marks,” I said softly. “Let’s start fresh.”

The next day, I bought a new notebook—one for us to fill with good memories and happy moments. We made our first entry that night, writing about a quiet dinner we shared, laughing and talking like we hadn’t in months.

As we moved forward, the notebook became a symbol of our promise to focus on the positives and grow together. The tally marks were gone, replaced by stories of joy, love, and gratitude. We were finally on the same page, and it felt like the beginning of something beautiful.

11 products with honest reviews that speak volumes

Were you ever super close to buying a product until you saw the awful reviews and immediately walked away? Well, this article is exactly the opposite, since each and every item is highly reviewed and has thousands of buyers every single month. From everyday necessities to smart gadgets, you will surely find something that interests you.

1. Jewelry polisher is perfect for at-home or on-the-go cleaning. The package contains 3 poms that safely and naturally remove tarnish and bring back the shine on all metals and gemstones, including gold, platinum, silver, brass, diamonds, pearls, emeralds, ruby, and sapphire.

4.3 stars out of 5

The poms are soft and non-abrasive, so they will not scratch or leave streaks. They are made of a latex-free, hydrophilic material that absorbs and traps debris. They also pick up all the dirt, oil, beauty buildup, and other residues.

Benefits: Happy customers mention that the product is very gentle on the hands and cleans diamonds perfectly. It also has a very pleasant scent.

Flaws: Some customers had trouble with the nozzle and pump, giving them a hard time to use all the cleanser available.

Promising review:

  • OMG!!!! I have purchased more than one, I cannot do without these. You keep your jewelry on. Hard to remove pieces that you tend to wear for a while come out, shiny and beautiful. I keep one in my shower and wash my jewelry as the conditioner sits in my hair. I love it! @Nicha

Buy this item on AMAZON here

2. Wig dryer head that allows you to dry your hair inside and outside effectively. It takes only 10–15 minutes to dry the hair net and the hair roots. It causes no damage to your wigs. Wash and dry your hair hands-free, since the item allows you to style it at the same time as drying.

4.5 stars out of 5

This is super easy to use. Simply place the end of your hairdryer nozzle into the opening (under 60mm), secure the wig on the head using the wig clip strap provided, switch onto cold or warm, and you are ready to go.

Benefits: People note that it takes even as little as 5 minutes to dry wigs, and up to 30 minutes for larger ones. It is especially lifesaving for hairstylists.

Flaws: Some customers mention that the product does not come with a stand and, therefore, can tip over and fall if you don’t pay attention.

Promising review:

  • First of all it works! I used it on LOW for safety reasons, since I saw a review that said it caught fire. The LOW setting worked PERFECTLY. The hair was dried thoroughly from the roots, was flat ironed, curled and voilà beautiful once again. Definitely a time saver from letting it air dry. @Winter

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3. Moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and MVE technology ideal for 24-hour hydration. It is absorbed quickly and softens your skin without making it greasy or sticky. Ceramides are important for keeping your skin hydrated and getting rid of itchiness and dryness.

4.7 stars out of 5

It is made for face and body use but can be used as a hand cream for dry skin relief. It holds the National Eczema Association’s seal of acceptance. Also, it is fragrance-free, paraben-free, allergy-tested, and non-comedogenic.

Benefits: The tub is quite big, and it will last you for a long time. People with flaking have noticed a major improvement. Also, you won’t have to reapply after a few hours.

Flaws: A few customers had an issue with delivery and mentioned that the product comes without a protective seal.

Promising review:

  • The tub isn’t fancy but this product WORKS. And you get a tub-sized portion, so you can use it every day without running out in a month like some other moisturizers that come in tubes.
    I use this on my face, neck, hands, and dry patches on my elbows and legs. I like that it’s fragrance free because I don’t need that in a moisturizer. Best part is that the product is non-greasy, and you can work it in without having a residue on your hands afterwards.
    My skin is sensitive to cosmetic products, so I have to be choosy. This moisturizer is soothing and does exactly what it promises without irritating my skin. @Kat Mandu

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4. Smart scale that offers a very easy setup with many fitness apps, including Fitbit and Google. It features high-precision sensors that measure in increments of 0.2 lb, with a 400 lb capacity. It is recommended to wrap the four corners of the glass with soft objects to avoid breaking them.



Apart from your weight, the scale measures body fat, BMI, body water, visceral fat, protein, BMR, bone mass, muscle mass, metabolic age, skeletal muscle, and subcutaneous fat.

Benefits: Customers mention that the scale graphs your weight so you can easily check your progress over time. Also, the batteries are very strong, and the measurements are accurate.

Flaws: Connectivity might be a bit tricky sometimes, but once you connect it to your device, everything is smooth.

Promising review:

  • We’ve used the same scale for the last 10+ years, it was accurate and reliable, but we decided to upgrade and after tons of product reviews we decided to purchase this scale. Shipping was fast, the scale was packaged securely. Although a little smaller than our original, it fits perfect in the bathroom.
    If you want to track your weight and BMI, downloading the App was simple and easy. Once you set up the account, it syncs with the scale with ease. If I had to point one negative thing out, it would be that the App needs to be open and running for it to track your weight and BMI. @Mike Myers

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5. Instant pot that cooks anything from rice and meats to making cheesecakes and yogurt. It features 13 different programs based on what you’re making. It prepares food 70% faster than traditional cooking methods, or you can opt for the slow cooking function.

4.7 stars out of 5

It is fingerprint resistant and includes over 10 safety features, including overheat protection and a safe-locking lid. It can cook for up to 6 people, and you may use the pot even for sautéing.

Benefits: Customers are very happy with handles on both sides of the lid, the large display, and the dual pressure setting that is especially useful for vegetables.

Flaws: While the product comes with instructions, one customer mentions that it does not say how long each cooking style lasts or what temperature you need to reach to sauté things.

Promising review:

  • We like to cook our food and skip the bad additives such as too much salt. After several months we’ve used it about four times weekly. We love to cook raw beans and freeze them away. They are easy to cook in the Instant Pot. I also like to make soups with plenty of fresh veggies and other ingredients and freeze most of it.
    This unit works great and cleans up easily. It has all the bells and whistles that almost anyone would need. There are plenty of YouTube videos on how to use them and also for making good meals.
    We have two crock pots that we’ll probably get rid of. This unit is also excellent at steaming foods which helps preserve the nutrients. @Rick

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6. Pet hair remover glove that brushes away mats, light tangles, and loose undercoats with a soft, flexible groomer that turns petting into an effective de-shedding tool. Such a procedure stimulates skin oils and improves coat softness and shine.

4.2 stars out of 5

The glove is great for dogs and cats with short, medium, curly, or long coats. It can be used daily or during bath time for an even deeper clean. It’s flexible and breathable and fits most pet owners thanks to the adjustable wrist strap.

Benefits: Happy customers mention that the glove cleans even leaves and other types of dirt pets roll into. It seems to be working well with pets that refuse to sit with traditional grooming tools.

Benefits: One customer mentions that you need to gather a lot of hairs on the glove to remove all of them. Otherwise, you need to store it for next time.

Promising review:

  • I had my doubts, but it really does remove the fur! I have a short hair pinscher mix, and he is shedding like crazy right now.
    The hardest part is conditioning him so he doesn’t play with it like a toy. And a little mist of water is key in getting the fur OFF the glove. I’m tempted just to, but another one has a backup. @Amazon Customer

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7. Robot vacuum that cleans up daily dirt, dust, and debris with a 90-minute runtime. It learns your cleaning habits to offer up personalized schedules, while Google Assistant and Alexa allow you to start cleaning with just the sound of your voice.

4.4 stars out of 5

Its advanced sensors allow the vacuum to navigate under and around furniture and along edges. The detection sensors keep it from falling down stairs. It automatically adapts its height to effectively clean carpets and hard floors.

Benefits: According to reviews, the vacuum picks up every small piece of dirt and reaches even the smallest corners. It also charges very quickly within an hour.

Flaws: It is quite loud while operating and only one phone in the house can be connected to the app and control the vacuum.

Promising review:

  • This robot vacuum is a convenient addition to any household, offering reliable cleaning performance with minimal effort. Its Wi-Fi connectivity allows for easy control via the iRobot Home app, where users can schedule cleanings and monitor the robot’s progress from anywhere. It is equipped with a three-stage cleaning system and dual multi-surface brushes.
    It captures dirt, dust, and debris on carpets and hard floors alike. With compatibility with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, it supports voice commands for added convenience. While it may lack some advanced features of higher-end models, it strikes a balance between affordability and functionality, making it a popular choice among homeowners looking to streamline their cleaning routines. @Amazon Customer

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8. Drain protector that effortlessly catches any type of human or pet hair, preventing clogged drains and costly plumber visits. It fits any standard 1.5″ — 1.75″ tub drain and does not disrupt the water flow. To clean it, you just collect the hair, throw it away, and rinse the protector.

4.5 stars out of 5

Thanks to this product you won’t need to use harsh chemicals damaging your pipes and the environment. The item has been honored as a 2018 KBB Product Innovator Award Winner in the home improvement and bathroom gadgets category.

Benefits: Installation is very easy and does not require too much maintenance. The material also looks very good, ensuring longevity. The affordable price is a big plus, too.

Flaws: The bottom of these protectors tend to get moldy, something that is very hard to clean. It may need cleaning after every use to prevent soap residue sticking to it.

Promising review:

  • This tub mushroom is great at catching my hair. I can’t believe how many years I went without one (sorry, drain)! It’s incredibly easy to use, and the hair pulls right off after your shower. I leave mine to dry on the edge of the tub until my next shower.
    I will say that no matter how often I clean mine, I find it eventually (after many, many months) starts growing mold/mildew. I just buy a new one at that point and start over. So happy to have an affordable and effective solution to prevent hair from clogging the drain. @Beth

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9. Handheld milk frother that creates foam in 10 seconds so you can make your own cappuccino, latte, and hot chocolate. You may even beat egg whites with it. Thanks to the premium materials and high-resolution motor, it gives you an amazing experience.

4.3 stars out of 5

The tool is battery-powered and requires 2 AA batteries that are not included. To clean it, whisk in hot water and clean it in 5 seconds. You can store it in your utensil drawer next to your forks and spoons.

Benefits: People seem to love the fact that it doesn’t come with a cord and is super simple to use. It is also used to create protein shakes.

Flaws: A few people mention that the batteries don’t last for too long. One person was not able to mix their protein shake using this tool.

Promising review:

  • I recently added the Battery-Powered Hand Mixer Milk Frother to my coffee routine, and it’s become a real game-changer. The convenience of having a frother that’s not tethered to an outlet is a total win.
    Powered by batteries, this little gadget is perfect for on-the-go frothing. The compact size still has great performance and whips up a creamy froth for my coffee in no time. Has plenty of power and batteries last long.
    I like the simplicity and ease of use, pop in the batteries, touch the button, and I’ve got froth for my morning brew. It makes it a breeze to clean as well. @AdamH0101

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10. Foot peel mask that addresses problems like calluses, dry skin, and cracked heels. The plastic-like booties contain a blend of ingredients that easily exfoliate, moisturize, nourish, and revive your feet. It contains aloe vera extract, lavender extract, and fermented milk extract.

4.3 stars out of 5

The booties fit foot sizes up to 11. At first, your feet will start cracking, then they will start peeling, and at last, they will look refreshed. The instructions are very easy to follow.

Benefits: Customers seem to be excited about how effective this product is and how easily it removes calluses and dead skin, revealing soft skin.

Flaws: You need to keep the booties on for a few days, remove them, and wait a couple of days until your feet start to peel. The whole peeling process might take up to a week.

Promising review:

  • I’ve used these before, but I promised myself this time I’d take photos. Sadly, I forgot to take them as often as I would have liked, but did get three in. I used both treatments, two weeks apart. Note there is some peeling still happening in the middle of the foot.
    BE PATIENT as it takes about a week for it to start exfoliating, but you will be thrilled with the results! Oh, and keep the booties on for the FULL hour. @Denise

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11. Biotin shampoo is essential for thinning hair since it does not contain sulfates and contains gentler ingredients. It moisturizes your locks and makes your hair look fuller and hydrated. It smells amazing and features essential oils to help improve your scalp’s appearance.

4.3 stars out of 5

This shampoo is paraben-free and packed with panthenol argan oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil. The vital ingredients are absorbed instantly to provide your hair with much-needed hydration.

Benefits: Happy customers mentioned that they noticed a difference even 1 week after first using this shampoo. Someone with very thin hair said that the products provided extra thickness.

Flaws: Some people noticed that the shampoo made their scalp dry and itchy, while others haven’t noticed a change in thickness.

Promising review:

  • Bought this on the recommendation of a friend, and I’m really glad that I did. Had been trying to grow my hair out to all one length, and naturally it felt like it was taking an eternity. My friend told me about biotin, and I thought why not give it a try.
    I am on my second bottle, and already I can feel that my hair is getting healthier, and longer. I also just ordered biotin conditioner as well, so I’m hoping my positive results will be even greater in the days and weeks to come. @cyberchum

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Whether your motivation is low and needs fixing or your cleaning regime needs updating, Amazon has every solution. And we always make sure that the products we suggest have triumphant reviews that prove one item’s usefulness.

Bright Side gets commissions for purchases made through the links in this post. Reviews may have been edited for length and clarity.

Preview photo credit Megan Geare / Amazon

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