Entitled Landlord Raised Our Rent by $650 – We Had Enough and Taught Him a Costly Lesson

When our landlord hiked our rent by $650, it was the last straw. Living in a rundown apartment with a broken fridge and constant harassment pushed us to the edge. Determined to get revenge, we concocted a clever plan to make him regret his greed and teach him an unforgettable lesson.

Dennis here. Let me tell you about the time my wife, Amber, and I dealt with the landlord from hell while saving for our dream house. It’s been a rollercoaster, but we learned a lot along the way

So, picture this: Amber and I moved into this tiny, run-down apartment a little over a year ago.

We were pinching pennies, trying to save up for a place of our own. The apartment was our stepping stone. Small, but we made it work. Amber decorated the place with some second-hand finds and DIY projects. I swear, she can make anything look good.

The trouble started right from the get-go.

We met our landlord, Mr. Williams, during the lease signing. Now, this guy looked like he had stepped right out of a 1980s corporate villain movie. Slicked-back hair, smug smile, and a suit that screamed “I have power, and I love it.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Williams,” Amber said, ever the polite one.

“Likewise,” he replied, barely looking up from the paperwork. “Let’s get this done quickly. I have other matters to attend to.”

We went through the motions, signing here and there. And then, like an idiot, I mentioned my income.

Amber and I brainstormed over a couple of beers one night, sketching out ideas on a napkin. We needed something that would hit Mr. Williams where it hurt but couldn’t be traced back to us.

Then it hit us—smells. Horrible, pervasive, can’t-get-rid-of-them smells.

“Alright,” I said, leaning back with a grin. “We need tuna, rotten eggs, milk, and dead mice.”

Amber chuckled. “This is going to be epic.”

We removed the tuna, cleaned out the rotten eggs, scrubbed the milk stains, and disposed of the dead mice. The smell finally began to dissipate.

“Good riddance,” Amber said, wiping her hands. “I hope he learned his lesson.”

And there you have it. The story of how we turned the tables on our greedy landlord and got the justice we deserved. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, remember: a little creativity and a lot of determination can go a long way!

Miss Nepal Is Facing “Cruel” Reactions for Her Participation in Miss Universe 2023

Over the 71-year history of Miss Universe, this marks the very first participation of a plus-sized contestant. The 22-year-old Miss Nepal has etched her name in history by confidently showcasing her stunning physique. While many people rallied behind her, praising her beauty, a significant portion of the global audience also levied criticism. She candidly addressed these comments, shedding light on her experiences.

She glowed with confidence.

Moises Castillo/Associated Press/East News

Jane Dipika Garrett expressed her pleasant surprise at the extent of her progress in the competition that took place in November 2023. Having harbored dreams of becoming a model, she confronted past struggles with low self-esteem. The overwhelmingly positive response she received during the competition served as a validating experience, and solidified her newfound confidence in embracing her own identity.

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Garrett noted that she “did not expect to get that much applause on the stage.” She went on to explain that she “wasn’t expecting anything” and was only participating to represent her country and “to represent women all over the world.”

Opinions were divided.

© jadedipika_ / Instagram

Despite being praised by many around the world for her gorgeous looks, the 22-year-old said that she had also faced harsh criticism from many people. She admitted that some incoming messages were less than positive, reaching the point of being described as “cruel.”

Jane revealed, “I see things like, ’Oh, she’s a whale,’ or ’Why don’t you go to the gym?’ And things like that.” She continued, “It’s like they don’t even know my story. They don’t even know what I’m going through.”

She’s not letting her struggles stop her dreams.

© Miss Universe / YouTube, MARVIN RECINOS/AFP/East News

The beauty contestant clarified that she grapples with a condition known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This medical condition involves the overproduction of androgens by the ovaries, surpassing the typical levels found in women. PCOS manifests with various effects, including weight gain, menstrual irregularities, acne, and excess hair growth.

© Miss Universe / YouTube© Miss Universe / YouTube

She noted that recently she had gained a lot of weight due to her condition, stating, ’’that’s also really taken a toll on my mental health and my self-esteem because I thought that I wasn’t good enough or that I wasn’t beautiful enough.’’

Nevertheless, Garrett underwent a journey of cultivating a positive mindset and finding comfort in her own skin. Observing her radiant confidence on stage, it’s evident that she has successfully achieved this self-acceptance journey.

We concur that Miss Nepal looks absolutely stunning, and we consider it a significant stride for the Miss Universe competition to embrace and celebrate the beauty and diversity of women’s bodies in all shapes and sizes. To delve further into the realm of Miss Universe and discover how previous winners are looking today, we invite you to explore this article.

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