If you see a coin stuck in your car door handle, you’d better call the police

When you were heading toward your car, did you ever notice a coin lodged in the door handle? It’s an odd and perplexing sensation. Many have come to this conclusion after wondering if this was merely an odd accident or if it had some sort of significance. It turns out that burglars can enter cars covertly using this method. Hold on tight, because I’m going to show you how to apply this smart approach to defeat those bothersome auto thieves. We’re going to learn how to perform our own auto security, so hold on tight!

Thieves of smart cars typically choose the side where the passenger is seated when inserting tiny coins into the door handles. That being said, why is the passenger side door buttoned? The problem is that when you attempt to use your key for the central locking, it completely malfunctions. Why? You can’t fully secure your automobile because that seemingly innocuous penny got jammed in the passenger door.

Let’s introduce some mystery now. Car thieves are not just hapless snatchers; they have a more sinister agenda. The burglar might be close by, lurking in the shadows, waiting for you to give up or become preoccupied as you struggle with your key to unlock your car.What should a car owner who is handy with DIY projects do if they believe someone has tampered with their car door? Fear not—here are some helpful do-it-yourself suggestions to prevent the vehicle thief from obtaining it:

Sо I аm аt Wаlmаrt sсаnning аnd bаgging my аlmоst $300

So I am at Walmart scanning and bagging my almost $300 worth of groceries while the employee that wants $15 an hour “monitors” and then this happened.

Her – why are you double bagging all of your groceries?

Me – excuse me?

Her – you are wasting our bags!

Me – if you don’t likе the way I’m bagging the groceries, feel free to come on over here and bag them yourself.

Her – that’s not my job!

Me – okay, then I will bag my groceries how I please if that’s all right with you.

Her – why are you using two bags?!

Me – because the bags are weak and I don’t want the handles to break or the bottoms to rip out.

Her – well that’s because you are putting too much stuff in the bag. If you took half of that stuff out and put it in a different bag then you wouldn’t need to double bag.

*10 seconds of me just staring at her.

Me – so you want me to split these items in half and put half of them in a different bag so that I don’t have to double bag.

Her – exactly.

Me – so I would still be using two bags to hold the same number of items.

Her – no because you wouldn’t be double bagging.

*me pressing two fingers to my left eye in an attempt to make it stop twitching.

Me – okay so here I have a jug of milk and a bottle of juice double bagged. If I take the milk out and remove the double bagging and just put the milk in the single bag and the juice in that single bag I’m still using two bags for these two items.

Her- no because you are not double bagging them so it’s not the same number of bags.

*me looking around at about 10 other customers who at this point are enjoying the show.

Me- is this likе that Common Core math stuff I keep hearing about?

Her- never mind you just don’t get it.

And with that, she went back to her little Podium so she could continue texting or playing games on her phone or whatever it was she was doing before she decided to come over and critique my bagging skiIIs.

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19 September 2024 love animals 0

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