Connie, pregnant dog who was rescued from shipping container, dies after rare illness — rest in peace

The story of “Connie the Container Dog,” a canine who was miraculously found by Coast Guard officials after becoming stuck in a shipping box, is among the most memorable animal rescue stories of the year. When it was revealed that Connie was pregnant, the narrative took a different course.

However, there has been a tragic development in the tale: Connie passed away following the infection of an uncommon virus.

The tale of Connie: discovered in a shipping container

Early in the year, Connie gained notoriety following an unexpected and improbable rescue.

According to a U.S. Coast Guard Heartland Facebook post, a group of marine inspectors from U.S. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston were on duty on January 31 and were randomly choosing shipping containers for inspection.

After being selected at random from hundreds of containers, they were startled to hear an odd sound emanating from a container 25 feet above the ground.

In a TikTok video, a cop can be heard saying, “It’s scratching, dude.” They discovered there was a live dog confined inside the flat when they heard barking as well.

It had been a week since the golden retriever had been there. The officers surmised that she was a stray dog that had been hidden in a junkyard automobile because the cargo unit was packed with abandoned cars that were being transferred abroad for parts.

The Coast Guard officials called a nearby animal sanctuary and gave her some water. She was hungry and exhausted, but most of all, she was relieved to be saved.

“The moment we opened it, the little dog’s face was peeking out. Petty Officer 2nd Class Ryan McMahon stated, “She was right there like she knew we were going to be there to open it for her.”She simply didn’t seem afraid at all. Being in the arms of those who would look after her and leaving that dim place made her appear happier than anything else.

With approximately 10,000 containers at the Bayport Container Terminal on the Port of Houston, it was a true marvel she was found at all.

According to McMahon, who spoke to AP, “it would take at least another week to get to where she was going (on a cargo ship) and two weeks without food or water.” “I doubt she could have survived.”

Unexpected pregnancy

“Connie the Container Dog” was the moniker given to the saved dog. She was first adopted by the neighboring Pasadena Animal Shelter before being sent to the Maryland-based Forever Changed Animal Rescue.

There, during a routine check-up, the veterinarians revealed an unexpected development in the case: Connie was expecting! She was, it turned out, carrying puppies the entire time she was in the freight container, and her pregnancy was still healthy in spite of the trauma.

“We are hopeful given what we could see, even though her pregnancy is guarded due to her going without food and water for eight days or more. The fetuses have strong heartbeats and were bouncing around,” stated Forever Changed.

Connie successfully gave birth to eight gorgeous puppies in February. Given Connie’s physical condition, there were some health issues, but the mother and the puppies survived.

Peace be with you, Connie

However, Connie’s joyful ending was tragically fleeting. Connie’s death was confirmed by Forever Changed Animal Rescue on June 28.

Connie battled pythiosis, an exceedingly rare and aggressive fungal ailment that dogs can contract by drinking or swimming in contaminated water, until she passed away, according to the shelter, which expressed its “devastatement.” They claimed it was most likely something she picked up while living as a stray in Texas.

They tried everything they could to assist Connie fight the infection, but according to Forever Changed, she “declined rapidly.” They were heartbroken that she passed away so quickly after finding a home, given everything she had endured and survived.

The rescue stated, “We just couldn’t believe that this was how her story was supposed to end, after everything she had been through and survived.” “She had the sweetest spirit of any young dog, but she was also such a fighter—a real survivor.”

“She was finally receiving the love and happiness she deserved—she had finally found THE MOST PERFECT family.” Even if we are happy that she experienced a few blissful months of love and happiness, it will never seem like enough. She was due for more.

“Connie, we sincerely apologize.” Sweet girl, you would still be with us if love had the ability to save you. We will always love and miss you. You deserved so much more because you fought so hard. You can relax, ideal girl. You won’t ever be forgotten, for sure.

Despite the terrible end to her life, Connie is said to have left an amazing legacy with her inspirational narrative and the eight healthy puppies she is left with, according to Forever Changed.

It is also the desire of Forever Changed that Connie’s tale encourages people to adopt pets similar to hers. They stated, “There are thousands of dogs in Texas who are #justlikeConnie and are either living horrible lives on the streets or are put to death in shelters every day.”

Dogs are routinely left behind and disposed of like rubbish. Since nearly all of these dogs are still in good health, they are running around the streets and breeding uncontrollably, which means that entire litters of puppies are either put to death in shelters or suffer on the streets as well.

9 Differences Between Men and Women That Have an Unexpected Explanation

Today, we would like to talk about the differences between men and women. You might say that you’ve known about these differences for your entire life, but it’s not that simple. We are sure that we’ll be able to highlight a few facts you’ve never heard of before. And in the bonus section, you’ll find out where the fashion for high heels came from.

The length of fingers

Let’s conduct a short experiment. Place your hand on a flat surface and compare the length of your index and ring fingers. In general, in women, the index finger is longer. In men, the ring finger is longer. How can this be explained?

According to scientists, the length of these fingers depends on the level of male and female hormones that affect the fetus in the womb. So, the reason why the ring finger is longer than the index finger in men is testosterone.

The skin on the heels

Scientists have found out that women’s skin is more hydrated in the décolleté area and on the hands. Only the skin on their heels is dryer than that of men. So, in equal conditions, men’s heels will be smoother.


You might think, “Why would a man need nipples?” It might sound strange but every person was initially female. When an embryo begins to develop in the womb, the male Y chromosome doesn’t immediately start working.

During the first 5-6 weeks, development occurs only under the influence of the X chromosome, so the nipples have enough time to form. If the embryo is male, the Y chromosome “turns on” after this period of time, and a boy is formed.

Men can even produce milk. Lactation is activated under special conditions, for example, it may appear during treatment with the hormone prolactin.


Women are better at seeing colors, but men are good at tracking fast-moving objects. This is probably linked to our hunter-gatherer past when men were hunters and women were gatherers.

For example, an orange may appear redder to a man than to a woman. The grass is almost always greener for women because green objects appear more yellow to men.

Gaining muscle mass

Many women have to go to the gym regularly to have a toned body, while a man can just lift a barbell a couple of times to get a 6 pack. So, what is the “ingredient” responsible for muscle development? If you guessed testosterone, you’re right.

In women, it is also produced, but in much smaller quantities. So, it is easier and faster for men to gain muscle mass.

Hair loss

Going bald after the age of 50 is typical for around half of men (and for a quarter of women too). The reason for this is a widespread hereditary disease, androgenetic alopecia, which is also called “male pattern baldness.” Due to this condition, hair follicles shrink, and hair becomes thinner and shorter, and eventually disappears.

Follicle shrinkage can be caused by sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone, a by-product of testosterone. This means that the more muscle-building hormone a man has, the more likely it is that he will become bald.

Adam’s apple

Both men and women have an Adam’s apple, but it’s more prominent in men. Why? The Adam’s apple is the cartilage that protects our vocal cords. It is formed during puberty. Since adult men have larger vocal cords, their Adam’s apple is also more prominent.

By the way, the larger the Adam’s apple, the deeper the voice. There is a theory that our ancestors needed a low voice in order to scare away predators.

Brain size

A man’s brain is larger than that of a woman, but this doesn’t mean that men are intellectually superior to women. Also, some parts of the brain in both sexes are different in size and work differently. For example, the hippocampus, which is involved in learning and creating memories, is larger in women. And the amygdala, which is associated with experiencing emotions and remembering them, is larger in men.

Scientists conducted an experiment: they showed the subjects a video so that they could recall some personal experiences. It turned out that in men, activity was observed only in the right amygdala, and in women, only in the left one.


At first glance, it might seem that a beard doesn’t provide any benefits. So, why does it grow? There is a theory that the jawline looks more massive thanks to a beard, so its wearer looks stronger and more masculine. Perhaps, our female ancestors tended to choose men with a thick beard as their partners because they thought they would produce healthy offspring with them.

Bonus: Heels

Nowadays, high heels are one of the symbols of femininity, aren’t they? However, in the 17th century, Persian riders used to wear one-inch heels. And since owning horses was a symbol of wealth, heeled shoes also came to signify money and power. The Persians then brought their fashion to Europe.

The French king Louis XIV became a big fan of heels. He even issued a decree according to which only nobles were allowed to wear heels. The higher and redder the heel was, the more powerful the wearer was.

The Sun King only allowed those who he favored the most to wear red heels. But since the 18th century, heels have become a purely feminine attribute, although this didn’t stop rock stars like David Bowie and The Beatles from wearing them.

Which facts mentioned in this article were new to you? Tell us in the comments below.

Preview photo credit 16704029 / Pixabay

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