Elon Musk Takes Aim At Woke Colleges, Accuses Them Of Promoting “Full-On Communism”

Famous businessman Elon Musk is in the news once more, this time for his vocal criticism of American colleges for allegedly pushing socialist doctrines. Musk has voiced his worries about the direction American higher education is going in an interview.

Musk, who is well-known in the IT sector for his inventiveness and leadership, did not hold back when expressing his concerns about what he sees as a concerning trend in academics. According to Musk, “it’s full-on communism and a general sentiment that if you’re rich, you’re evil.” He continued by expressing his displeasure with “neo-Marxist” influences in schooling.

One of Musk’s children has grown away from their wealthy father, which has caused tension in their relationship. This is a direct result of Musk’s candid opinions on capitalism and riches. Vivian Jenna Wilson, Musk’s transsexual daughter, 18, decided to alter her name in order to distance herself from the Musk family’s history. Citing differences in their values, she stated that she want to stay away from her biological father.

“It may change, but I have very good relationships with all the others [children],” Musk said, despite acknowledging the difficulties in his relationship with Vivian. Despite the difficulties in his personal life, Musk has managed to retain good relationships with the majority of his nearly ten children from different relationships.

This incident brings to light a larger worry held by many Americans who respect their personal liberties and minimal government involvement. Recent surveys show that more people, especially younger ones, are beginning to embrace socialist and communist ideas. While 41% of all adults currently have a good opinion of socialism, less than half of 18 to 34-year-olds have a positive view of “capitalism.”

The growing popularity of politicians who support socialist measures, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, is indicative of this ideological shift. These extreme ideas have found a home on college campuses, which were once hubs for free speech and a diversity of viewpoints.

Studies have shown that a large number of teachers have left-leaning political views, which may have an impact on the subjects and tenor of their classes. Conservative students frequently express a sense of being sidelined and suppressed during class discussions, which is concerning since it suggests that the educational system is politically indoctrinating pupils.

Given this context, it is not shocking that 36% of college students today say they would rather be a communist; they reject the term “democratic socialism” in favor of a more radical philosophy more akin to communism in the Soviet Union.

Marxist ideas’ effect on the family is another issue that Musk’s tense relationship with his daughter brings up. Marxism aims to dismantle the conventional family unit and replace it with centralized government authority. Future generations’ values and views are shaped by their families, which are the cornerstone of society. Breaking these ties can have long-term effects.

Elon Musk’s critique of American institutions, in conclusion, highlights the spread of leftist ideas in higher education. Along with the apparent bias in academics, the emergence of socialism and communism among young Americans raises significant concerns about the future of our civilization. It is crucial to have frank and open conversations regarding the role of the government and individual liberties in order to make sure that our educational system fosters critical thinking and diversity of opinion rather than ideological conformity.

Hiker finds massive ‘beast’ hiding along banks of South Carolina creek

A peaceful hike turned shocking for a South Carolina woman who came across a “beast” hiding along the edge of a creek.Wanting to warn others to be extra cautious when hiking through Jeffries Creek Park, Meredith Langley shared a photo of the massive creature on Facebook, horrifying many online users.“He’s probably swallowed somebody’s child already,”

writes one netizen who vowed to never go hiking again. Keep reading to learn more about the creature Langley found!Meredith Langley was hiking through Jeffries Creek Park in Florence, South Carolina, when she came face-to-face with frightening fauna who interrupted her enjoyment of the flora.A giant brown snake – several feet long and thicker than the root of a tree used to rest his head – was hiding in the dirt along the edge of the creek.The snake – that was catching some rays of sunshine – shocked Langley, who wrote on Facebook, “Note how well he blends in with his surroundings.”

“This was a good teaching opportunity and example for my own kids who forget not to run ahead of me on trails!” Langley writes to members of the private Facebook group, South Carolina Hiking Club.“This was a good teaching opportunity and example for my own kids who forget not to run ahead of me on trails!” Langley writes to members of the private Facebook group, South Carolina Hiking Club.The beast, that she estimates is about four to five feet when stretched out, was “wholly unafraid of us.”“It watched me with stillness and reserve, and without aggression or fear. That told me that this creature knew with certainty that it was capable of defending itself if needed, but it need not exert that energy unnecessarily,” Langley said of the monster, who she captured on film before she quietly retreated. “That area is its home, not ours, and my children and I maintain that respect and reverence anytime we are out in nature.”‘What a beast’The online community was horrified when they saw the fearless snake, resting along a common hiking path.Believing her eyes tricked her, one netizen writes, “What is that?” and another says, “This photo is not selling South Carolina.”Others are in awe of the snake’s size. “What a beast!” one writes.“This looks like something you’d see in the Amazon jungle,” said a second while a third simply stated, “Dats a whopper.”One person jokingly commented, “He’s probably swallowed somebody’s child already,” adding, “I ain’t going on NO trails period.”Meanwhile, other cyberfans tried to identify the snake’s species, “That’s a huge cottonmouth,” shares one user. Cottonmouths are highly venomous vipers, which along with copperheads are frequently found in the area.

The kil ler snakes, also called water moccasins, are often confused with their nicer relatives, like the brown water snake.

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