People Reveal the Craziest Wills They Ever Saw

From disowning a child to secretly leaving everything to a stranger, people have written many unexpected things in their wills that are only revealed to their family members after their demise. Many times, people have used this closing act to take revenge on their loved ones.

With age, many people tend to think about what would happen to their loved ones after death. They know there’s only much they can do to support them, and with that comes the thought of writing a will. The final document decides what would happen to their assets and property after their death.

A document with the title "Last Will and Testament" | Source: Shutterstock

A document with the title “Last Will and Testament” | Source: Shutterstock

Many people write their will when they are healthy and doing fine, but others do it after the doctors tell them they don’t have much time to live. Some divide their assets into parts and leave them for their close ones, while others write something unpredictable that shocks their family.

Netizens on Reddit shared some of the craziest and most bizarre things people wrote in their wills. Many of their family members had no idea what was coming their way.

Comments have been edited for clarity and grammar.

1. The Unexpected Trust Fund

A fish in a fishbowl | Source: Pexels

A fish in a fishbowl | Source: Pexels

u/scarlett_pimpernel: I am a qualified solicitor. A lady wanted to create a trust fund of £100,000 for her pet fish. When I asked if it was a particular type of fish, she confirmed it was just an ordinary goldfish.

She wanted it to be fed fresh avocado daily and looked after by a local dog walker after she died. She was absolutely serious.

2. No One Knows about Her

An older woman looking at a young girl | Source: Shutterstock

An older woman looking at a young girl | Source: Shutterstock

u/scarlett_pimpernel: Another lady confessed she had a secret daughter and wanted to leave the daughter some money and photographs without the rest of her family finding out. Even her husband does not know. That will be a fun conversation when she passes away.

3. The Lucky Man

A bus driver | Source: Shutterstock

A bus driver | Source: Shutterstock

u/mommy5dearest: I worked at an attorney’s office, and a little older lady gave her house and belongings to a bus driver.

She did it because he was nice to her and would help her. We were all waiting for hell to break loose when her family found out.

Her family can contest it. I was a witness to the signing. She seemed fine and knew the answers to the questions, so she wasn’t having mental problems as far as we could tell.

4. The Interesting Clause

A lawyer talking to a man | Source: Shutterstock

A lawyer talking to a man | Source: Shutterstock

u/WanderCold: I was in my early twenties when I was forced to write a will because of the health insurance I got at work. I discussed it with the in-house lawyer, who approved this specific clause to be added to my will.

The clause read, “My funeral wishes are that I should be buried in a coffin which has been springloaded, such that opening the coffin would cause alarm to future archeologists.”

Then, a bunch of stuff about if this is too costly, I’d be cremated and have my ashes scattered in a specific place.

5. Don’t Forget My Horse!

A woman riding a horse | Source: Shutterstock

A woman riding a horse | Source: Shutterstock

u/gabberrella24: I work in probate. The oddest thing I’ve seen in a will is to euthanize their beloved horse, have it cremated, and its ashes scattered with the decedent.

Lucky for her horse, she named a horse that was already dead when she passed away, so the one she got afterward lived to see another farm.

6. A List of Strange Wills

A dog sleeping on a bed | Source: Shutterstock

A dog sleeping on a bed | Source: Shutterstock

u/PirateRobotNinjaofDe: Lots of people send their friends and family on weird errands to spread their ashes (leaving money for people to take trips and spread their ashes around the world).

Pet trusts are a fun one. People leave a whole whack of money in a trust to be used for the care of their pets during their life.

However, my favorite ever (that I obviously didn’t draft) was a lawyer who left the bulk of his estate (millions in today’s dollars) to whatever Toronto-area woman had the most children at a specific date some years later. I recall the winner had 10.

7. My Grandfather’s Wish

An older woman standing near a window | Source: Shutterstock

An older woman standing near a window | Source: Shutterstock

u/snoboreddotcom: A few hours after my grandfather’s death, my grandmother came to me with a navy-blue tie featuring pink elephants.

Ridiculous looking, but she said he wore it to intimidate people in business, as someone willing to wear such a ridiculous tie doesn’t care about what people think. That scares people. He wanted me to have it so I could do the same.

8. Different Wishes

A woman signing a documents | Source: Shutterstock

A woman signing a documents | Source: Shutterstock

u/ALighterShadeOfPale: I work for a lawyer who does wills. We’ve had a lady put in her will that one of her adult sons would receive his share when he visited a dentist, and the other son would get it if he lost 70lbs.

Another lady put in her will that she wanted her cats cremated with her when she died. We told her that would not happen since human and animal remains are not cremated together. So, she settled on cremated separately and joined together, then buried together.

9. The Long Will

Close-up of a document with the title "Last Will and Testament" | Source: Shutterstock

Close-up of a document with the title “Last Will and Testament” | Source: Shutterstock

u/ALighterShadeOfPale: Typically, wills are about ten pages long (for an average person), but a woman once wrote 56 pages.

She detailed EVERYTHING from her house to people. For example, she wrote, “wooden ladle to ____, toilet paper holder to ____, magazine basket to ____.” She did this for every single item in her house.

10. She Wanted to Be with Her Husband

A small house between trees | Source: Pexels

A small house between trees | Source: Pexels

u/ALighterShadeOfPale: A lady told us to put in her will that she wanted to be buried on her property next to her husband. She lived on a small rural property.

It’s totally illegal to have human remains buried there. She refused to tell us whether her husband was cremated or not and said she did not want to be cremated.

Edit: Her husband had died 5 or 6 years prior. So, it’s not as though it was 50 years ago when things like that may have been a little overlooked.

11. Some Good People

A person signing a document | Source: Shutterstock

A person signing a document | Source: Shutterstock

u/ALighterShadeOfPale: We had a man put in his will that his family was to go to the zoo immediately after his burial (that day). We thought that was heartwarming.

Besides that, we work with many people from a particular religion. Many people we write wills for leave at least 90% of their estates to the church instead of their families.

12. The Elvis Impersonator

A young man smiling | Source: Shutterstock

A young man smiling | Source: Shutterstock

u/whatshisfaceboy: I’m not a lawyer, but I have this story of my rich uncle. He would visit us when we were kids, maybe once every ten years. The last time he did, he brought us to a Denny’s.

When he died, he had no friends. Besides that, his wife died due to substance abuse, and that was because of him. He left his entire estate to an Elvis impersonator. Everything.

13. The Only Beneficiary

A person holding money | Source: Shutterstock

A person holding money | Source: Shutterstock

u/AnotherDrunkCanadian: I used to work at a bank in the estate department. I was an administrator who had to manage the files, including encroachments upon the capital, i.e., “I want to take some money out now, please.”

I had this one account – a multi-million-dollar trust for one single beneficiary – the son of the deceased. Everything about the account looked fine until I learned the child was behind his parents’ death and pleaded insanity.

He was in a mental hospital and called the bank once a year requesting $50 for commissary (to buy chips and gum).

The call was always strange. He was very polite, but the quality of the call made it sound like he was far away from the phone.

14. They Wanted to Take Revenge

A cat sitting behind a curtain | Source: Pexels

A cat sitting behind a curtain | Source: Pexels

u/Dr_BrOneil: Last week, I handled a matter where the parents left millions in artwork to various people and wads of cash to various charities. Meanwhile, their kids got the family cats as revenge.

It turned out they did it because the kids got them the cats to comfort the parents in their old age. The parents hated the cats, but the kids wouldn’t let them get rid of them.

15. He Wanted to Give Them Something

An older man walking on a street | Source: Shutterstock

An older man walking on a street | Source: Shutterstock

u/gaurddog: My great uncle’s official will stated that the contents of his outhouse would go to the City Council of a nearby town after they had tried to take his land twice to build a new water treatment plant.

He spent several years fighting eminent domain claims and wanted to give them something in return. As a joke, his kids boxed up all the books and magazines in the outhouse and dropped them off at City Hall.

16. The Man Was Clueless

A man leaning against a taxi | Source: Pexels

A man leaning against a taxi | Source: Pexels

u/[deleted]: I am not a lawyer but work for a will writers/trusts specialist in the UK, currently studying toward my TEP.

One of our earlier clients passed away recently. Turns out the man she left almost everything to, including the residue of her estate–which was considerable–was her regular taxi driver.

She had also named him as her executor. He had no clue. The woman named as her executor and primary beneficiary in her previous two wills, a close friend of many years, was understandably flabbergasted and contested the will.

We responded to her solicitor’s Larke v Nugus request, informed Mr. Taxi Driver (who didn’t even know our client had passed), and the will was upheld.

The friend mentioned above was left a legacy of £5,000 if I remember correctly, but her nose was clearly out of joint.

Bonus observation: It takes a lot less than £ 5,000 being up for grabs to make families turn against each other. It can get really nasty. This is one of the most startling things I’ve learned in my short time in this business.

17. Hidden Fortune

The last will and testament | Getty Images

The last will and testament | Getty Images

Deleted user: So, my grandma, bless her heart, lived in this old, run-down trailer for years. Dirt poor, but you wouldn’t know it by the way my husband acted.

He was like a cat on a hot tin roof, waiting for her to pass. He had this wild notion in his head that grandma was sitting on a hidden fortune and that he’d inherit a ticket to Easy Street when she kicked the bucket. Cut to the will reading day.

My husband’s practically rubbing his hands together, telling me, “Sugar, put on a smile, we’re about to be rolling in dough.” We get there, and the lawyer’s all business, asking, “Who’s the ‘husband’ there?” My guy steps up: “That’s me. Is there a problem?”

Then my jaw hitting the floor. The Lawyer: Not at all…The last will of grandma states that the grandma has a hidden fortune. However, it’s to be inherited by the husband only if he fulfills three specific conditions. Otherwise, the entire estate goes to the local animal shelter.”

First, he must live for a year in her old trailer, maintaining it without any modern upgrades or outside help. Second, he’s required to volunteer at the animal shelter every weekend for the next two years.

And finally, he must write a personal essay on the value of humility and compassion, to be read publicly at the shelter’s annual fundraiser.

My husband’s face turned from greedy anticipation to utter disbelief. Grandma sure knew how to teach a lesson from beyond the grave!

A man signing a document | Source: Pexels

A man signing a document | Source: Pexels

These stories shared by Redditors prove that being a part of someone’s will can make your life better or destroy it forever. It only takes a few sentences to change people’s lives if one decides to mention them in their will. What’s the most bizarre thing you have ever read in someone’s will or heard about? We would love to know about it.

I Faked a Fiancé to Win the Family Inheritance Only to Discover My Sister’s Shocking Plot Against Me — Story of the Day

I thought faking a fiancé would finally let me step out of my sister’s shadow. But in the middle of my own scheme, I discovered that true love had been closer than I’d ever realized.

The moment I opened Mom’s letter, I felt a familiar wave of dread wash over me. The whole family was gathering for Christmas, including my sister Megan and her new boyfriend. Perfect Megan, with her perfect life.

I could already picture her—radiant, accomplished, with some dazzling guy by her side while I just sat there, blending into the background as usual.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

An idea hit me out of nowhere.

What if I show up with a fiancé of my own?

I looked around the office, and my gaze landed on Zach by the printer. He was organizing files. Reliable, responsible, and… not exactly “Prince Charming,” but he could work. And more importantly, he worked for me.

“Hey, Zach,” I called, strolling over casually.

He looked up. “Yes, Claire?”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Would you be interested in a, um, side project over the holidays?”

He raised an eyebrow. “A side project?”

“Yes, but more… personal,” I said, glancing around to make sure no one else was listening. “It’s just a quick thing with my family. I need someone to… play a role.”

“A role? What kind of role?”

“My fiancé,” I replied, letting the word drop with a casual shrug.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Your… fiancé?” He looked like he’d misheard me.

“Yes, just for Christmas.” I grinned, hoping I looked more confident than I felt. “It’d be helping me out. My family is a little… competitive about relationships.”

He stared at me. “I don’t know, Claire… that seems… unusual.”

I leaned in, lowering my voice. “Think of it as an opportunity, Zach. It could be good for your career. You know, help things along.”

His eyes widened. “Oh, God, Claire. If it’s just for the holiday…”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Yes!” I clasped my hands together a bit too eagerly. “Just one holiday.”

“Fine. I’ll do it. But only this once.”

“Perfect,” I said, unable to hide my excitement. “All you need to do is show up, look convincing, and smile.”


As Zach and I walked up the long, winding path to my mom’s grand house, I clung tighter to his arm. Inside, the atmosphere was warm and inviting, yet my heart sank when I spotted Megan.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

She sat on the plush couch next to her boyfriend, Jason, laughing like she didn’t have a care in the world. Her hair was perfectly styled, her smile dazzling. She looked up, eyes glinting when she saw us.

“Well, well,” she drawled, standing up and sauntering over. “Claire! And… who’s this handsome man?” Her eyes swept over Zach with suspicion.

“This is Zach,” I said. “My boyfriend.”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Boyfriend, huh? Oh my, Claire, where did you find someone so… perfect?” She let the word linger, clearly enjoying the hint of doubt in her voice.

“Work. We met at work. He’s great, actually.”

Zach nodded, giving Megan a polite smile. “Nice to meet you, Megan.”

Megan’s gaze lingered on us for a moment longer before she returned to Jason, whispering something in his ear that made him chuckle.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

My cheeks burned. I could tell she wasn’t buying our act for a second.

Later, while Zach was chatting with my dad, I overheard Megan and Jason talking in the hallway. I stopped, straining to listen.

“Can you believe it?” Megan was saying with a laugh. “Mom said she’d leave her inheritance to the first one of us who got married! Guess that means Claire and her ‘boyfriend’ are in a bit of a rush.”

Jason laughed softly. “You don’t think she’d actually…”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Oh, she’ll try, alright,” Megan replied. “But it’s Claire. She always falls short.”

So, Mom is turning our lives into some twisted race to the altar? Fine. If marriage is what Mom wants, then I’m ready to give her exactly that.

Later that evening, I dragged Zach to a small shop nearby and picked out the cheapest engagement ring I could find.

Holding it up, I said, “Tomorrow, at dinner, you’ll propose.”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Zach’s eyes went wide. “Claire, are you serious?”

“Yes. It has to be done. You’ll understand soon.”


The Christmas dinner table was set to perfection. Crystal glasses sparkled under the warm lights, and holiday decorations framed every inch of the room. I glanced at Zach, who caught my gaze and gave me a small, frightened smile.

Then came the moment we’d practiced for, rehearsed like actors preparing for the role of a lifetime. I could only hope he’d remember his lines.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Everyone,” Zach said, clearing his throat as he stood up, his face pale but resolute. “I have something important to say.”

The room fell silent. My mother’s eyes lit up, practically sparkling. Megan raised an eyebrow, barely able to contain her smirk, and I could see Jason nudging her with an amused grin.

“Claire,” Zach began, turning toward me.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I watched as he slipped his hand into his pocket, fingers grazing the cheap ring that we’d picked out together in that cramped jewelry store. My heart pounded so loudly that I was sure everyone could hear it.

“I never thought,” he began, glancing around the table, “that I’d find someone like Claire. She’s… well, she’s one of the most passionate people I know.”

He paused, and I saw something flicker in his eyes—maybe nerves or maybe something else.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

My mother clasped her hands with excitement. Megan smirked, folding her arms, clearly enjoying the performance. I forced myself to breathe, gripping my napkin so tightly my knuckles turned white.

Zach continued, “She pushes me to be better every day. And I realized… well, I realized that I couldn’t imagine my life without her.”

His voice softened, almost genuine, and for a moment, I felt the room fade as he looked at me. I nearly forgot we were pretending. Nearly.

“Will you marry me?”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Yes!” I clapped my hands together, throwing on the biggest smile I could muster. “Oh, I… I can’t believe it!” I gushed, practically shoving my hand out so he could slide the ring onto my trembling finger.

As he slipped the ring on, I was praying no one noticed the rush of desperation beneath it all.

“Oh, Claire, sweetheart!” Mom cried, practically bouncing in her seat. “This is just… wonderful! I’m so happy for you both!”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

As I tried to force a laugh, I could feel Megan’s eyes boring into me. But I was determined to play this role to the end, whatever it took.

“Oh, Claire, darling,” Mom continued. “You know, I’ve been saving something very special for this day.”

She hurried out of the room, her heels clicking with excitement. A few minutes later, she returned, carrying a box wrapped in delicate silk.

“This was my wedding dress,” she said, her eyes misty with nostalgia as she opened the box. “I saved it, hoping one day I could give it to one of my daughters. And now… it’s yours.”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Mom’s joy, Zach’s quiet resignation, and Megan’s smirk—it was too much. I forced a smile, trying to keep my hands from shaking. “Oh, Mom, I… I don’t know what to say. This is… so generous.”

“Tomorrow,” Mom said, beaming, “we’ll have the ceremony. I’ve already called the family priest.”

Beside me, I felt Zach go rigid. His face was drained of color, and my own heart pounded with panic.

What have I done?

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


The next day, just before I slipped into the wedding dress, Megan sidled up to me. She leaned in, her voice low and mocking.

“You know, I made up that whole inheritance story, right? Just to see what you’d do.”

“What?” I whispered, barely able to believe it.

She shrugged, feigning innocence. “I knew you’d overhear. I just didn’t think you’d actually fall for it this hard.”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

My face burned with anger and embarrassment. Megan tricked me, and I walked right into it. I was left with a choice: go through with that charade or run out and face the humiliation.

As I stepped up to the altar, dressed in my mother’s gown, the weight of it all hit me. The cheap ring on my finger felt heavy, like a reminder of every lie I’d told.

I looked over at Zach, who stood beside me, clearly trying to hold it together for my sake.

But is this how I want to spend this day for the sake of a ridiculous rivalry?

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

In that final second, something in me snapped. I couldn’t do it. I pulled up my dress and bolted down the aisle, the fabric billowing behind me like a parachute. I didn’t look back, didn’t stop to see the stunned faces of my family or hear Megan’s laughter or… or… or see Zack’s eyes.

I just ran.

When I finally got home, reality crashed down like a wave. I let my jealousy, my need to prove myself, push me to this.

And now? Now, I have a cheap ring, a fake fiancé, and a sinking feeling of shame.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


Back at work, I went straight to my office, eager to start the day and hoping to shake off the embarrassment from the holiday disaster. But as I walked in, Zach’s desk was empty.

Puzzled, I glanced around, half-expecting him to walk through the door at any moment. Instead, I noticed a folded piece of paper on my desk, my name scrawled in Zach’s familiar handwriting.

My heart sank as I unfolded the note. It read:

“Claire, I’m sorry for leaving like this, but I think it’s for the best. I didn’t agree to be your fiancé for the promotion or because of the pressure. I did it because I’ve been in love with you for a long time. I wish things had been different, and I hope you find what you’re really looking for.”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I hadn’t realized how blind I’d been to his real feelings. I sat there, realizing I’d just lost someone who genuinely cared.

Without a second thought, I grabbed my coat and headed out. I found Zach’s address in his employee file and drove to his apartment, determined to make things right.


When I arrived, the doctor let me in. Zach was sitting beside an elderly woman on the couch, holding her hand gently. She looked frail. She was probably his mom.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

As I took in the scene, everything clicked into place. He needed the income to help her.

I stepped forward.

“Zach, I had no idea… I’m so sorry for everything. I never considered what you were going through.”

Zach looked up, surprised but calm. “It’s alright, Claire. I didn’t expect you to understand.”

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I swallowed, feeling a surge of regret. “Let me help. With her medical bills, I mean. Please.”

After a long pause, he nodded. We sat together, talking about everything that had happened, the absurdity of our pretend engagement, and the misunderstandings that had piled up between us.

“You know… if you’re still interested, I’d like to go on a real date with you,” I finally confessed.

Zach smiled, and I felt my heart lighten. This time, there was no pretending.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

If you enjoyed this story, read this one: At 50, I thought my career was behind me. But when I joined a fast-paced startup, I quickly became the target of a young colleague’s jealousy. What unfolded was more than a battle for respect. It led to a shocking twist that changed everything.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story

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