People Tell Me My Son Should Be Taken From Me After Covering 95% of My Body in Ink

With tattoos becoming increasingly popular, it is not uncommon to come across individuals who have extensive body art. Unfortunately, some people face criticism and even calls for their children to be taken from them. One such case is that of a Canadian man named Remy who has spent over $100,000 on tattoos and has encountered criticism on social media, with some people telling him he’s not a suitable father.

He doesn’t feel guilty about being a tattooed dad.

Despite his extensive amount of ink, Remy doesn’t feel guilty about his tattoos, nor does he believe they’ve changed who he is as a person or a father. He says, “Tattoos and piercings haven’t changed at all, so I wasn’t worried that my son would see me differently.”

But the man has been criticized for not being a stereotypical father.

Remy shared that he has received online comments suggesting that his son should be taken away from him due to his appearance. He stated, “I’ve had a few people say things like my son should be taken from me because of how I look, but this is only ever online.

He continued, “My argument to that would be that if you think that way, you should never have children yourself.

Remy added that while people stare at him in public, they only say nice things and ask questions about his tattoos. “People stare a bit [in public] but they only say nice things and ask how long it took, how I handle the pain, and generally compliment my work,” he attests.

His child is nonchalant toward his father’s tattoos.

Remy’s first tattoo was of his son’s name, but since then, he has become obsessed with getting more and more ink. His son never really noticed his tattoos.

He’s never really noticed them, as I was already pretty different looking [when he was born in 2009] — it’s completely normal for him. As he’s gotten older, he’s become very nonchalant, and it’s actually made him more tolerant of people being different looking, I believe,” Remy says.

In fact, Remy’s son’s favorite tattoo is the eye on his stomach and chest.

Being a good parent has nothing to do with superficial looks.

While some may argue that Remy’s tattoos make him an unfit parent, it’s important to remember that body modification is a personal choice and doesn’t necessarily reflect one’s ability to be a good parent. As long as a parent is providing a safe and loving environment for their child, their appearance should not be a factor in determining their ability to care for their children.

One of Remy’s fans explained things in a wonderful way.

As one commenter on Remy’s story put it, “You give the cloth and care about what you do. As long as you can put a roof over your child’s head, it’s not anyone’s job.” Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide how they want to present themselves to the world, and that decision should not be used to judge their worth as a parent.

As we conclude this story of unfair judgment and inked journeys, it’s only the beginning of our exploration into the world of those living tattooed lives. In our next article, we’ll introduce you to a mom whose 800 tattoos have become a barrier to employment, shedding light on the surprising consequences of living life fully inked.

Preview photo credit ephemeral_remy / Instagramephemeral_remy / Instagram

Shе Wаs Тhе Lоvе Оf My Lifе Аt Аgе 74 Sаm Еlliоt Соnfirm Rumоrs Оf Dесаdеs

In a revelation that has stunned fans and admirers alikе, Hollywood icon Sam Elliott has confirmed long-standing rumors of a clandestine love affair spanning decades. At the heart of this revelation is none other than the captivating actress Daniela Ruah, whose allure evidently transcends generations.

Elliott, known for his rugged charm and distinctive voice, has always maintained an air of mystery when it comes to his personal life. Yet, in a candid interview, the 74-year-old actor has finally shed light on a love story that has remained hidden from the public eye for years.

“I’ve never been one to kiss and tell,” Elliott began, his gravelly voice carrying a weight of emotion. “But Daniela… she’s always been special to me. More than anyone could ever know.”

The revelation comes as a sh.ock to many, given the stark age difference between Elliott and Ruah, who is nearly four decades his junior. Yet, as Elliott poignantly reflects on their connection, age seems to fade into insignificance.

“Daniela has this way about her,” he muses, a nostalgic gleam in his eye. “She’s wise beyond her years, yet there’s this youthful spirit that lights up the room whenever she’s around. Being with her, it’s likе time stands still.”

Rumors of a romance between Elliott and Ruah have circulated within Hollywood circles for years, fueled by occasional sightings and cryptic remarks from both parties. Yet, until now, neither has publicly acknowledged the depth of their connection.

For Ruah, who has long been admired for her talent and beauty, the confirmation of her relationship with Elliott adds another layer of intrigue to her already captivating persona. Despite their age difference, the bond between them appears to defy conventional norms, serving as a testament to the transcendent power of love.

As Elliott reminisces about their time together, it becomes evident that Ruah has left an indelible mark on his life. “She’s the love of my life,” he admits, his voice tinged with a mixture of reverence and longing. “And age, well, it’s just a number. When you find someone who truly speaks to your soul, you hold onto them with everything you’ve got.”

In a world often consumed by fleeting romances and superficial connections, the love story of Sam Elliott and Daniela Ruah serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of true love. Despite the passage of time, their bond remains steadfast, a testament to the timeless nature of love’s embrace.

As fans and admirers alikе absorb the revelation of this decades-long romance, one thing becomes abundantly clear: in matters of the heart, age is but a mere detail. And for Sam Elliott and Daniela Ruah, their love knows no bounds, transcending time and convention to stand as a testament to the enduring power of love.

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