Popular TikToker Kass Theaz, who has over 142,000 followers, recently made headlines when she said she intended to sue her parents for having given birth to her against her will. Her strange statement caught her followers off guard, especially because she is a parent herself.
Theaz spoke to her audience from inside a car in a video that has received over 2.5 million views, and she had a serious expression. “I went clothes shopping for my children, as I mentioned in my last video. A lot of people are shocked to hear that I have children considering I sued my parents for having me without my permission,” she said in her explanation.
“So my parents that I sued, they contributed to conceiving me, and my mother that raised me, she gave birth to me,” she continued, elaborating on her position. I did not give my consent to be here, which is why I filed a lawsuit against them. I had no idea that I would have to become an adult and find employment in order to support myself. Simply put, I didn’t agree to it. I sued them because they made no attempt to get in touch with me before to my birth to inquire about my desire to be here.
Theaz subsequently clarified that everything was meant to be satire, which answered the confusion of some viewers who asked whether she was being serious or humorous. “I thought it was obvious that I was joking,” she clarified. It is funny to me, though. People become agitated over anything. It demonstrates how little thought is given to reactions before behaving.
Theaz used the occasion to discuss her experience as an adopted mom in addition to her humorous assertion that she was suing her parents. “It’s different when you adopt because it’s not my fault that they’re here,” she said, emphasizing that adopting children is a different journey than giving birth to them. I’m merely attempting to be a decent person and support them.
Theaz’s amusing video may have confused some viewers at first, but in the end, it was a fun reminder to verify information and ask questions before acting. Theaz’s distinctive TikTok content keeps her fans entertained and interested.
Whеthеr Оr Nоt Shе Is Ехресting Аftеr Sресulаtiоn Оvеr Неr Fоrm-Fitting Сlоthing Веgаn
The renowned Olympic gold medallist Simone Biles has been compelled to answer recent pregnancy rumors that were generated by a picture of her wearing tight apparel.
Two days prior, Biles, 26, posted pictures of herself having a good time at a football game. She was wearing figure-hugging brown attire that emphasized her figure and a camouflage jacket.
Upon viewing the images, certain admirers started conjecturing about a possible pregnancy. Social media comments included statements likе “I see a baby bump!!!” and “Omg, she’s pregnant .”
Biles ended the speculation by stating unequivocally that she is not pregnant on her Instagram Story.
Biles is still happy with her husband, Jonathan Owens, whom she married earlier this year, despite the flurry of pregnancy rumors.
Despite having busy schedules as a result of their lucrative jobs in athletics, Biles and Owens manage to keep their relationship cheerful. Biles has already talked about the difficulties of being apart from Owens when he went for his Packers career, stressing that their relationship still prioritizes fun and relaxation despite the distance.
Biles told Olympics.com: “I think we likе to have a lot of fun, but we also likе to relax because, at the end of the day, we both workout so much and our schedules just look so different.”
She added that they take pleasure in a variety of things together, such as therapeutic sessions, friendly competitions, getting their nails done, and getting massages when they have free time.
It’s easy to say that Simone Biles appears to be having a great time in her marriage!
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