A mother from Tennessee, Rachel, who is working as a cashier at Celina 52 Truck Stop, had welcomed her son, Cash Jamal Buck, on February 17. The situation is that Rachel and her fiance Paul Buckman are both white, while their son Cash is black.

When the parents shared the news from their Facebook account, they announced their son’s birth as, “Congratulations to our cashier Rachel and her fiancé Paul Buckman on their baby Cash Jamal Buckman being [born] on Saturday at 6:18pm.”

But when the users saw that two white parents had welcomed a black baby, they immediately accused Rachel with cheating, as they didn’t believed that Paul wasn’t the real father.

After that, Celina 52 Truck Stop had shared, “Yes, Paul is the father. Rachel has African American DNA in her which can skip generations and cause a child to be born with darker skin.”

Then they also stated that there might be possibility of jaundice, and ended their post as, “Please be kind.”

But there were many jokes under the comments section as,

“Congratulations!!! I AM sure he looks just like his dad. Where is he?”

“Definitely needs a DNA test; what if they accidentally mixed up the kiddos in the nursery?”

“I feel sorry for Paul, being duped like this is a whole new level of creep. Hopefully he’ll wise up.”

Then Rachel shared her own ancestry test result, as she stated, “For the haters saying that I [don’t] have black DNA maybe this will clear it up straight from my ancestry DNA results !!!! NOW STOP slandering mine and my [fiancé] Paul Buckman name. he IS the father of Lil Cash.”

Great Endorsement For Kari Lake – Here’s What Happened

Endorsing the MAGA brand is good business for Republicans who plan to have a future in elected office. Look no further than the Iatest endorsement coming Kari Lake’s way in her bid for a Arizona U.S. Senate seat.

On Wednesday Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) let The Daily Caller know that he is planning to issue a public endorsement of Lake later on Wednesday. Calling Lake his “teammate,” Sen.

Tuberville said the GOP conference needs more members Iike her if they are to oust Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) from the top spot next year.

If I Iearned anything from my 40 years of coaching football, it was the value of team work. And if I’ve learned anything during my time in the Senate, it’s that America needs more common-sense conservatives willing to go against the grain in Washington, D.C., and fight to take our freedoms back.

Kari Lake is just the teammate I need beside me in the United States Senate. That’s why she has my compIete endorsement, Tuberville told the Caller, referencing his legendary college football coaching career.

Lake, who launched her bid in October, didn’t wait long before accepting the endorsement and thanking Sen. Tuberville for standing with conservatives as she battles it out to win her party’s primary in August.

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