An “unusual” dog called Pig that has no neck and a body that appears to have been chopped in half has become an internet sensation.

More than 27,000 people have joined a fans’ group in honour of the strange-looking animal, who is quickly becoming one of Alabama’s biggest stars.

Pig, who bears little resemblance to the curly-tailed farmyard animal, suffers from short spine syndrome and has bones that are fused together.

Pig the 'unusual' dog has become an internet sensation
Image:Pig chills out in the fountains of her local park

Her condition causes her to walk like a gorilla and she often loses her balance, toppling over like a toddler.

But she is not letting her disability get her down and her adventures are chronicled on a Facebook page called Pig the Unusual Dog.

Kim Dillenbeck, who adopted Pig after finding her in a forest, said her pet is “living life to the fullest”.

Pig the 'unusual' dog has become an internet sensation
Image:Proud owner Kim Dillenbeck adopted Pig after finding her in the woods

“She’s missing several inches of her spine (and) her joints, her hips … none of them are in the right position,” she added.

Dr Rachael Hudson-Breland, the vet who treats Pig, said the eight-month-old mutt is given “rock star” treatment at her clinic.

“I don’t think Pig really knows she looks different,” she said.

“She runs around, she plays. The only thing with Pig is … she has respiratory issues, so when she’s running around she gets a little more tired than most dogs.”

Furry Guardian: When Cries Emerge, Dog Comforts New Baby with His Beloved Toy

Creativity in storytelling allows us to explore heartwarming and touching tales of the unique bond between pets and babies. Most pets, even the largest and toughest dogs, have the potential to become the first best friends of infants. This story revolves around Bonnie Michalek and her pet bullmastiff Brutus, portraying the incredible sensitivity and love that dogs can exhibit towards children.

For Bonnie and her husband, Brutus was not just a pet; he was family, often referred to as their “first baby.” When Bonnie became pregnant with their actual first child, Brutus displayed an extraordinary sense of protectiveness even before she realized she was pregnant. Bonnie attested to Brutus “knowing” about her pregnancy before she did, and this reassured them that he would be comfortable with the new addition to the family.

Brutus had always displayed an affection for children, getting excited whenever he heard kids outside laughing. His connection with children became even more evident when Bonnie introduced baby Kayden to him. Brutus greeted the newborn with love, gently licking the baby’s face.

The bond between Brutus and Kayden deepened as they became close buddies. Brutus was not only willing to protect Kayden but also to share his most cherished possession, a yellow plush ball that he clung to dearly. This ball was the only toy he wouldn’t destroy in a matter of minutes. Whenever Kayden cried, Brutus would instinctively find his beloved fluff ball and offer it to comfort the baby.

This touching story of Brutus exemplifies the love and care that pets can provide to babies, highlighting the unique connection that can develop between them. Brutus’s willingness to comfort and protect Kayden illustrates the incredible bond that can form between pets and children. It’s a heartwarming tale that reminds us of the genuine love and loyalty that dogs can offer to their human family members. Share this beautiful story to celebrate the enduring bond between pets and babies.

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