Homeless lady given free ‘ugly’ abandoned trailer, but wait till you see what she made of it

Homesteading is becoming the life-style many people opt for during the recent years. It is characterized by subsistence agriculture, home preservation of food, and even small scale production of textiles and clothing. It also includes some craft work for household use or sale.

The reason why this life-style is gaining more and more popularity is that is helps people to maintain a certain standard of living that doesn’t require too much finances.

One person who got devoted to homesteading is Mama V. This woman got tired of the busy life at the city and as she has always had this dream of building a cottage for herself in the isolated woods, she eventually left the metropolitan life behind and moved into an old mini-school bus.

The mini-school bus seemed like the perfect home at first, but since she had her cats and dogs with her, the place was a bit crowded so she started considering getting an additional room, which wasn’t an easy thing to plan or construct. On top of that, she didn’t really have the finances for such a project.

But then, one of her neighbors invited her over and offered her his old and abandoned trailer that stood in his yard for many years.

He wanted to get rid of it, but since Mama V liked it and got ecstatic about it, he gave it to her for free.

“She’s ugly, but she’s mine!” Mama V said of her trailer.

In order to be able to renovate the trailer she was forced to sell her bus. She was aware that turning that old trailer into a home would take a lot of time and energy, but she was ready to give the project a go.

Mama V, however, couldn’t do it herself so she asked her two pals, Jayme and Kevin, to assist her.

The trailer, although very dirty and in need of some repairs, was structurally good and leak-free. On top of that, it already had a functioning microwave oven/stove combo, and refrigerator.

After a long day of cleaning, Mama V’s friends left and let her enjoy her new piece of heaven.

Among the rest, the trailer contained two full propane tanks, a pull-out couch, a full kitchen, two twin beds, a bathroom with a shower and bathtub, a panel that kept track of utility usage, and a lot of storage.

Once she settles in, Mama V would start her own garden and a life she has always dreamed of.

She’s glad that she and her pets would have a place to call home and that she’s surrounded by great neighbors who help her with whatever she needs as she embarks on this new adventure.

Drone Captures Rare Images of Isolated People Who Are Cut Off From the World

Evelyn T.

G. Miranda’s breathtaking photographs, captured for Survival International, offer a rare glimpse into the secluded existence of various uncontacted tribes worldwide. From the enigmatic Sentinelese on North Sentinel Island, India, to the Amazon tribes near Brazil’s Javari River valley bordering Peru, these images provide a captivating aerial view.

The drone photographs are proof of the existence of untouched tribes.

A mesmerizing compilation video, shared on Death Island Expeditions’ YouTube channel in 2018, has garnered over 3.5 million views, showcasing these remote settlements and their inhabitants. Witness tribespeople, armed with traditional bows and arrows, gazing curiously at the hovering drones, offering a poignant insight into their untouched world.

It amuses people by showing the lives of tribespeople, which are different from ours.

Captivated viewers on YouTube expressed profound astonishment at the vast disparity between their lives and those of these tribespeople. One commenter marveled, “It blows my mind how different our lives are. The fact that they don’t even know about the existence of grocery stores, factories, phones, social media, everything that makes our society what it is. It’s so surreal.

However, these untouched tribes are now in danger and need protection.

FUNAI, Brazil’s National Indian Foundation, plays a pivotal role in formulating policies concerning indigenous tribes, and their involvement in capturing drone footage underscores their commitment to preserving these cultures.

While some imagery dates back to 2008, as reported by Survival International, the significance of these visuals remains timeless, as emphasized by uncontacted tribes expert José Carlos dos Reis Meirelles Júnior. He highlighted the urgent need to protect these tribes from external threats, such as illegal logging activities encroaching from Peru.

We did the overflight to show their houses, to show they are there, to show they exist,” he said.

A film has also been released. The Mission, a poignant documentary directed by Amanda McBaine and Jesse Moss, sheds light on the tragic fate of American missionary John Allen Chau. His ill-fated attempt to make contact with the Sentinelese people in 2018 resulted in his untimely demise, symbolizing the delicate balance between curiosity and respect for these isolated communities.

Another curious discovery occurred in Peru. The discovery of “alien mummies” at the airport has captured global attention, and scientists have revealed something disturbing.

Preview photo credit Death Island Expeditions / YouTubeG. Miranda/FUNAI/Survival

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