One loyal McDonald’s customer will no longer be shopping at the fast-food chain. Because the person in question…

One loyal McDonald’s customer will no longer be shopping at the fast-food chain. Because the person in question, a man named Jordan, is a vegetarian, he was onIy able to order a select bunch of items from McDonald’s restaurants in the first place.

However, Jordan turned to the Chinese-created TikTok sociaI media app last week to reveal how McDonald’s fries are not even vegetarian as the fast-food giant loves to cook their famous French fries in beef flavoring – the news has left millions of vegetarians and vegans appalled, and horrified by the way McDonald’s had been misleading them.

Jordan’s viral video has accumuIated nearly ten million views at this point – and counting – and continues to educate people about how McDonald’s was secretly flavoring their famous French fries with beef flavoring to give them that good oId-fashioned cow flavor.

In his video, Jordan claims he knows “so many fast food secrets” but was only going to give his followers a taste with this one tidbit about McDonald’s fries and how they are not truly vegetarian.

I know why McDonald’s fries taste different from everybody else’s fries, he said. And I’m going to tell you guys. It’s because McDonald’s cooks their fries with beef flavoring mixed with vegetabIe oil. That’s why their fries taste so good but also so different from everybody else’s. It’s probably bad news for vegetarians, but the more you know.

Fortunately, vegetarians can still shop at McDonald’s restaurants for French fries in some Iocations around the world.

According to Jordan, who proclaimed himself a fast-food expert, McDonald’s does not use beef flavoring for their fries in the United Kingdom, Canada, or Australia, so vegetarians in those countries can continue to order fries without concerns.

“They cook the fries with regular oiI, so if you’re vegetarian, you can have the fries in those places.”

McDonald’s has pubIished information about the beef flavoring of their French fries on their website. They address the issue head-on in a way that most vegetarians will not like because they probably missed it all these years.

When our suppliers partially fry our cut potatoes, they use an oil blend that contains beef fIavoring, the fast-food company states on its FAQ website page. “This ensures the great-tasting and recognizable flavor we all love from our world-famous fries.

Jordan’s video broke many people’s hearts. Thousands of TikTok users were shocked and horrified to Iearn that McDonald’s was using beef flavoring on their French fries in the United States and in many other parts of the world.

One person wrote, “I’M VEGETARIAN.

My whole life is a Iie, another person wrote tragi cally.

Other people backed up Jordan’s tell-all video about McDonald’s fries and their beef fIavoring.

An Aspiring Model With a 100-lb Leg Embraces Her Uniqueness and Wants to Show the World That Being Different Is Beautiful

Mahogany Geter, a 24-year-old aspiring model, was born with a rare condition that left her with a 100-lb leg. After a lifetime of facing difficulties, Geter’s life changed forever when she was offered a chance to model, starting her off on a journey of spreading the message of body positivity to others.

Bright Side found her story inspiring and a great example of how beauty can be found everywhere, and wanted to share Geter’s story of self-love with you.

She was born with a rare condition.

Mahogany Geter, a resident of Tennessee, was born with a rare condition that left her with a left leg that weighs 100 lb. The condition, known as lymphedema, can cause excess fluids to collect in the soft tissue of the body and lead to swelling. For Geter, her entire left side of the body is impacted by this, but only her leg is the most visible.

Geter was diagnosed with the condition right after she was born, and it made it extremely difficult for her to walk. “It drains my energy, of course, because it’s an extra 100 pounds,” she said. The condition makes her more susceptible to contracting fibrosis, and the only way to manage it is through physiotherapy and massages to drain the excess fluid in her leg.

She had a difficult time growing up.

The model talked about how she faced many difficulties growing up: “I’ve been through a very depressed state because you’re a little kid, and you have a bunch of grown adults staring at you.” She would receive many unwarranted comments from others and was teased throughout her childhood. “I will say it probably can affect you more mentally and emotionally,” she revealed.

“As a child, I never felt pretty. I felt ugly, like a freak of nature, and cried in private so many times,” said Geter. She had been suggested surgery by many doctors, but she turned it down every time, stating that in some other, more severe cases, surgery hadn’t completely gotten rid of the growth. Instead, she chose to accept herself as she was.

She began her modeling journey in 2017.

Geter’s life changed forever in 2017 when she was spotted by a photographer while she was working at Walmart. Initially thinking it was fake, the young woman eventually agreed to let the photographer take pictures of her. “I was like, ’I’m getting older now, maybe it’s time I start putting my full body out there,’ and hopefully me doing that can help somebody else,” she said.

This one opportunity catapulted Geter’s career as a model. Following this, she was featured in a viral YouTube video that amassed over 10 million views. Her presence on Instagram and other social media platforms has also increased. “Mainly, I’ve gotten a lot of positive responses, and the ones I like the most are that it helps people that also feel low about themselves,” she said.

She aims to help others embrace their unique bodies.

Despite her increased presence on the internet resulting in some Internet trolls, Geter has remained positive throughout, saying, “People have been so nice and supportive of me online. It isn’t all trolling and negativity.” She has remained consistent in spreading body positivity and encouraging others to be more comfortable in their bodies.

Geter is committed to her dream of becoming a model. “If I ever make it big, I want to buy my mother a house and take care of my family, then I’ll do everything I can to raise awareness of lymphedema to pay it back to everyone who has ever shown me kindness.” She continues to use her condition to inspire others to celebrate their differences as well.

Her journey has inspired many.

Although Geter’s journey has been hard, she has learned to accept herself and vows to spread this attitude to others. “For the longest, I felt so low about myself, but once I got older and with loads of support from the online lymphedema community and my mom who is my inspiration, I realized how beautiful I am. Not only looks, but as a person.”

What part of Mahogany Geter’s journey resonated with you the most? Do you have any advice for those that struggle to accept their bodies? Share it with us.

Preview photo credit lymph.goddess23 / Instagramlymph.goddess23 / Instagram

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