Tesla Driver Reveals Jaw-Dropping Electric Bill After 12 Months: Shocked Reactions Pour In

People can’t believe how much it cost him in electricity to run his Tesla for a whoIe year. It wouldn’t be silly to think that the costs of running a Tesla might be slightly extortionate when taking a look at how much the cars cost in the first place. And while electric cars are looking like the way forward, people might be put off by the rising eIectricity costs.People were left baffled on X, formerly known as Twitter, when a man shared his electric bill after a year of driving the car – and the figure was certainIy surprising.We all know that petrol and diesel are definitely not the cheapest ways to get around, but how much does it really cost to run one of Elon Musk’s motors? The man captioned the post: “First time I have had a bill within the last 12 months. “This sucks.”
He was writing sarcastically, of course, after seeing that his electricity bill was actually in single digits. After a year? You did read that right. The balance due was just $2.37 (£1.89)– rather than the hundreds of dollars you might assume it costs to charge your car regularly over a month.

But how on earth did it only cost so little?
Well, upon taking a closer look, it appears it’s still a pretty expensive process.The user’s cover photo displays a Tesla Powerwall, which is a huge battery that loops into your home’s power and is really handy to have if you have got solar panels.
It means that the solar panels which power your house, also store excess charge in your Powerwall, which charges your car. But these don’t come at a small cost, as you may have presumed. The Powerwalls start at around $11,500 (£9,000), but can range up to $15,000 (£11,800), according to Forbes.

If you plan to keep your Tesla for a number of years, which evens this figure out a bit, maybe there’s a case for it working out in the long-run to be borderline cost effective.
That’s if someone could hand us nine grand, please?
People joked in the comments about the Tesla owner’s sarcastic post, one said: “Damn my dude post a GoFundMe the community will rally around you I’m sure.”
Another said: “That’s horrible.
“My condolences.”
Tesla went viraI again this year after releasing their latest creation: the Cybertruck.

Find Out If You Have Commitment Issues by Taking This Optical Illusion Test

Optical illusions have been a source of fascination for centuries, and now they are being used to reveal hidden aspects of our personalities. This very test has become a popular way to discover our strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will explore how it works and how it can help you determine if you have commitment issues.

The interpretation of the optical illusion personality test can vary depending on what you see first. Here are some common interpretations.

What do you see?

  • If you see the cloud first, you may appear strong and resilient on the outside, but you are sensitive on the inside. This sensitivity makes you more vulnerable to heartbreak from the words and actions of others. You may find it difficult to commit to long-term relationships because of your fear of emotional pain. Mia Yilin, the creator of the video, further elaborated, stating, “You hate the idea of settling for someone and have very high standards when going into a relationship.
  • If you see the fish first, on the other hand, you may have a carpe diem mentality, understanding that life is short and precious. You are likely to seize opportunities and invest your energy wholeheartedly into things that interest you. Mia explained, “You have this mentality that since life is short, we might as well live life to the fullest.

So, did you see the Fish or the Cloud first? Take pleasure in these puzzles as enjoyable distractions, but always bear in mind that they lack any scientific or psychological significance. Enjoy yourself and keep a smile on your face!

Now that you’ve discovered whether commitment issues are present in your life, don’t miss out on our upcoming article about optical illusions that can wake you up better than the most delightful cup of Nespresso.

Preview photo credit mia_yilin / Tiktok

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