Tesla Driver’s Jaw-Dropping Electric Bill After 12 Months Sparks Huge Reaction

People can’t believe how much it cost him in eIectricity to run his Tesla for a whole year. It wouIdn’t be silly to think that the costs of running a Tesla might be slightly extortionate when taking a look at how much the cars cost in the first place. And while electric cars are looking like the way forward, people might be put off by the rising eIectricity costs.People were left baffIed on X, formerly known as Twitter, when a man shared his electric bill after a year of driving the car – and the figure was certainIy surprising.We all know that petrol and diesel are definitely not the cheapest ways to get around, but how much does it really cost to run one of Elon Musk’s motors? The man captioned the post: “First time I have had a bill within the last 12 months. “This sucks.”
He was writing sarcastically, of course, after seeing that his electricity bill was actually in single digits. After a year? You did read that right. The balance due was just $2.37 (£1.89)– rather than the hundreds of dollars you might assume it costs to charge your car regularly over a month.

But how on earth did it only cost so littIe?
Well, upon taking a closer look, it appears it’s still a pretty expensive process.The user’s cover photo displays a Tesla Powerwall, which is a huge battery that loops into your home’s power and is really handy to have if you have got solar panels.
It means that the solar panels which power your house, also store excess charge in your Powerwall, which charges your car. But these don’t come at a small cost, as you may have presumed. The Powerwalls start at around $11,500 (£9,000), but can range up to $15,000 (£11,800), according to Forbes.

If you plan to keep your Tesla for a number of years, which evens this figure out a bit, maybe there’s a case for it working out in the Iong-run to be borderline cost effective.
That’s if someone could hand us nine grand, please?
People joked in the comments about the Tesla owner’s sarcastic post, one said: “Damn my dude post a GoFundMe the community will rally around you I’m sure.”
Another said: “That’s horrible.
“My condolences.”
Tesla went viraI again this year after reIeasing their latest creation: the Cybertruck.

Texas mom breastfeeds newborn son at a restaurant, then stranger asks her to cover up

It appears to be an innocuous picture of a mother nursing her child at first glance. But if you look closely, you can see the little element that made this photo go viral.

The act of breastfeeding is a wonderful and natural way for a mother and her little one to bond and build intimacy.

Moms shouldn’t feel guilty about feeding their children whenever and wherever they are hungry, but regrettably, some people criticize them because they think it’s improper or unacceptable for them to feed their children in public if they don’t use a cover.In 2018, while dining at a restaurant with her family and friends, Melanie Dudley, a mother of a 3-month-old child, noticed the infant wailing for food. Melanie, originally from Texas, immediately began nursing her son. And while that was great with everyone, it appeared that the stranger seated at the adjacent table was uncomfortable with the mother’s lack of coverage while nursing.

Melanie was contacted by him and requested to hide. She did just that, though not in the way that the stranger had anticipated.”I was asked to cover myself by a man while on vacation in Cabo San Lucas with my whole family. We were sitting at the rear of the restaurant, but I’m generally discrete,” Melanie said to Yahoo.It was really hot, even though I was wearing a cover. The Texan told TODAY, “It was about 95 degrees, and my little baby was sweating.””I said, ‘What do you know?

I’m taking this off; I’m on vacation.

The entire restaurant burst out laughing when Melanie took the cover off and wore it on her head.I simply placed it above my head. I’m not sure why. It wasn’t even close to being a scandalous altercation. That was all I had to say. I was at a loss for words, so I decided to just hide my head,” the woman said.Carol Lockwood, a witness to the entire event, snapped a picture of Melanie and posted it online with the remark, “I’ve never met her, but I think she’s AWESOME!!!”Kindly distribute! I have made this content public with permission. I’m so sick of hearing people shame women for nursing! The picture was shared 225,000 times and counting in no time at all.

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