In a brave act of loyalty, a pit bull named Nong Horm protected her owners by fearlessly confronting a serpent in her family’s backyard situated in Pathum Thani, Thailand. Tragically, Nong Horm succumbed to the poisonous bite of the snake while defending her loved ones.
Nong Horm, who was almost due to give birth, fearlessly faced a monocled snake – known to be one of the most lethal snakes in the world. The brave pitbull intervened and bit the snake’s lips, causing the venom to act rapidly and kill it.
In a flash, the family was unable to act as the situation unfolded. Suriyon Chanthakhet, the proprietor, shared his remorse regarding the event. “Our exceptional dog lost her life trying to protect us from the snake,” he stated. The news is devastating, and it’s causing me overwhelming sadness. “I can’t imagine the agony she must have gone through,” he added, choked up with emotion.
In the photo shown above, Suriyon expresses her grief over the passing of her beloved canine companion, Nong Horm. She wonders why such a tragic event had to occur. Despite the unfortunate circumstances, Nong Horm was a remarkable and admirable dog
Dog Rescued 1 Year Ago Still Continues To Hug His New Mom Every Day She Comes Back Home
Meet Kylo, the rescue doggie who feels so grateful for being saved from a shelter, he just wants to snuggle and hug his human mom the moment she steps into their house. “As soon as I sit down to take off my shoes he climbs into my lap to be held,” Meghan Sweers, Kylo’s new owner, told The Dodo. “If I don’t sit down for our cuddle time he follows me around with the saddest most pathetic look on his face until I give in and hold him.”
But it wasn’t always like that – when he was just 10 months old, Kylo was surrendered to the shelter, and, once pulled away from it, spent ages at a foster home with no one showing interest in the goofy dog – until Sweers and her husband showed up.
Kylo’s first night at their home went absolutely perfect. “He crawled into my lap, tucked his head under my chin, and started snoring like a chainsaw,” Sweers said. “From that moment my husband and I knew he was staying with us!”
Kylo the hugging dog is so grateful for finding a loving forever home, he gives love to everyone he meets now. “He wins people over a bit forcibly… by climbing into their lap and falling asleep.”
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